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Message 1 of 7

Wifi Adapter Link speed

Not sure if this is connected to BT Hub or my Laptop.

I am getting near perfect speeds on Ethernet 300Mbps Download and 51 Upload connection but when I go to wireless I am lucky if I get near 50Mbps.  When I look at the wifi adapter speed it is 144.4Mbps.  I logged into the hub and tried to change channels etc but it only seems to get worse depending on the Mode I use.

I was on the Dell forums and removed software that is known to cause speed issues but wondered is there something in the hub effecting the speeds.  There are no issues connecting via my iphone which is getting 237-300 speeds

Anyone any ideas on changing that link speed in hub or does it sound like a laptop issue.  I can't see anywhere else to change the network adapter

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Message 2 of 7

Re: Wifi Adapter Link speed

Make sure you turn off "smart setup" on the BT hub.

See link how to do that.

It is also worth checking that your wireless network card has the most up to date drivers. You are best to check on the card manufacturer's website or assuming the laptop is a Dell, on the Dell website rather than using the Windows drivers.

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Message 3 of 7

Re: Wifi Adapter Link speed

Drivers are all up to date.  Smart set up is OFF

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Wifi Adapter Link speed

Which wireless card do you have in the laptop?  Is it connecting at 2.4GHz or 5GHz?  It may be possible to upgrade the card to a faster one.

BT FTTP 500/75 + pfSense + 4 x UniFi Wifi 6 Pro
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Message 5 of 7

Re: Wifi Adapter Link speed

Intel wireless-N 7260 which is supposed to be good for 300Mbps to my knowledge. 

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Message 6 of 7

Re: Wifi Adapter Link speed


Have a look at this link which will explain (I think) that 150Mbps is your likely max speed.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Wifi Adapter Link speed

The wireless card on your computer is now getting on a bit. To rule it in or out as being the bottle neck for your wireless speed you could consider getting an up to date wireless dongle and after turning off the wireless on your laptop, connect the dongle and see what if any difference it will make.

Wireless dongles come in a vast price range  starting at about £5 upwards. You should get a decent dual band AC one for under £20.

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