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Message 1 of 5

Black disc power connection

Hello. I have black BT extension disc (model 92822) for the Smart Hub 2 but it has no power adaptor.

I am trying to identify which is the correct sized connector pin on the disc so I can buy a reasonably priced replacement psu.
It is thinner than the  pin on the Smart Hub 2 - which I believe is 3mm - so I am guessing its a 5.5 x 2.5mm.

Does anyone know for sure whether that's right? Also is that the same size connector  that the older 'type B'  Hub5 and Hub6  have - ? - if so there are a few of those for sale second hand on auction websites and they would be ideal as they are also 12v 2A and have the same right-angled coneector. 

I have tried comparing model numbers and part numbers on dozens of photos of adaptors but after several days I still dont have a definitive answer.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Black disc power connection


As the discs are only on loan from BT, you should be able to request a replacement power unit, provided you are paying for the BT Complete Wi-Fi extra.

What happened to the original power unit that came with it?

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Black disc power connection

Hi Keith, thanks for moving the post to the right place.
I bought the disc second hand, don't what happened to the power supply ( or the feet) . replacing it is not as simple as I expected
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Message 4 of 5

Re: Black disc power connection

Unless the disc was purchased privately, then the seller would be charged if they did not return the disc.

The issue with the feet breaking has been reported before. As for the power supply, the main BT spares people do not sell it.

I hope you did not pay very much for it, as its probably worth less than £30, as that is what BT charge people who do not return it.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Black disc power connection

To answer my own question..... I bought a 2.5mm connector component just to try in the disk and that was a snug fit  - so I then bought a second hand  BT Hub 5 TYPE B  power supply, which has the right amperage and voltage  and  which was also a perfect fit.  So as far as Im concerned problem solved for a very economical £6! 


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