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Message 1 of 6

Exterior blockage

One year ago my BT Contract was ending. They were unable to provide FTTP. However a local company did and for less per month than I was paying.  
Installation day arrived and an immediate problem was found. Less than four metres of cable under my front garden could not be accessed due to a blockage. Local company could not unblock as cabling belonged to BT. 
Result being had to return to BT as otherwise I would have no services. 
Too late to negotiate on old Contract so had to have a new 2 year one at a greatly inflated monthly cost and less (landline) services. 

My question is who should be doing the repair they were notified about a year ago otherwise I will be in the same position in another 12 months   
Finally, I am 76 live alone and disabled on Pensions Credit but have never been offered a Social Tariff and I have just received notification that my bill will be iro £55 per month    I cannot afford that. 

I have e mailed BT twice now but they are ignoring me. Being deaf I do not use a phone except in an emergency. 
Any help in sorting this out would be greatly appreciated. 

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Exterior blockage

do you qualify here

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Exterior blockage

Your failed order with another company has nothing whatsoever to do with BT , if they said the blocked cable / duct was BT responsibility, that pretty much shows they don’t know what they are talking about , as BT have no responsibility for this , it could be Openreach duct , but Openreach and BT are not one and the same organisation.

You haven’t really given enough information about this Alt Net, if this Alternate Network Provider uses Openreach infrastructure via PIA ( Physical Infrastructure Access ) and a part of the infrastructure they wanted to use is the duct under your garden and  isn’t serviceable because of a blockage , this Alt Net can install their own duct across your garden from the footpath if they wanted , but many Alt Nets don’t do anything other than straight forward ( cheap ) installs , so won’t consider this.

BT are pretty obvious not liable for OR , OR would clear the duct under your garden, if this Alt Net asked them , and agreed to pay OR to do it, presumably they have not done so.

If you are thinking OR should clear the duct at their own expense , why should they ?, it’s not currently stopping OR service into your property, PIA doesn’t work like that, if they want cheap access to OR infrastructure that isn’t serviceable, they can use various methods to get it made serviceable, or provide their own infrastructure, that they don’t then have to share with anyone else.

You didn’t have to return to BT , there are dozens of providers that could use the same Openreach infrastructure that BT use to deliver your previous and current services, if you felt the time constraints placed on you by this Alt Net ‘failing’ at the last moment, meant that you ‘reluctantly’ had to use  BT , how on earth could that be considered BT’s ‘fault’ ?


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Message 4 of 6

Re: Exterior blockage

Wow! thats me told and I have no idea who Alt net are!

At 76 a female disabled pensioner I only came on for some advice. Being replied to so aggressively means I will not bother you again. 

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Exterior blockage

did you check link I posted for BT Home Essentials.  if you qualify it could save you a lot of money

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Exterior blockage

The Alt Net would be responsible for clearing the blockage as part of the PIA Agreement.

I’d hazard a guess they don’t want to though because they don’t want to absorb the cost if it.

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