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Message 1 of 6

FTTP not yet available but it's on my street

So firstly, this has been going on for months and I'm very frustrated..

I would like BT Full Fibre and FTTP is on my street (according to the openreach checker) but its "not yet available" to my address but when I contacted openreach before the summer they said it's because i'm a tenant in an apartment block and they need the landlord's permission.

My landlord has given permission and we have both filled in openreach forms but still the checker says not yet available.

I'm out of contract on 18th October and don't want to renew a 2 year BT Contract until I know I can get FTTP.

I currently get speeds of approx 44mb down and 15 up which isn't fast enough for my needs and since I'm on Halo 3 I was told I should get a free FTTP upgrade when it's available but when?

Really hit a brick wall with this so can BT help?

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Message 2 of 6

Re: FTTP not yet available but it's on my street

There is nothing that BT Retail can do for you. It is all in the hands of Openreach.

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 6

Re: FTTP not yet available but it's on my street

So there is no point me continuing with BT then. 

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 6

Re: FTTP not yet available but it's on my street

BT may have FTTP available in next few weeks but can easily be months.  There is nothing BT can do to speed it up

Your choice to move or stick

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Message 5 of 6

Re: FTTP not yet available but it's on my street

Enter your address at the URL above and post the return , specifically the survey return , below is the return for a SDU ( yours may be MDU ) with a ducted feed.

Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential UG Feed with no anticipated issues.



Larger MDU’s ,  especially those that were provided with ‘internal’ copper pair distribution , so a single large copper cable into the building terminates on a block in a common area ( like a  utility room )  , and then a single separate cable from this common location to each unit , so one cable in and potentially dozens of smaller cables out ( one for each flat ) , all contained within the building structure….this type of existing setup generally means that the building will be excluded from the FTTP build , so if a MDU like this was in the same street as regular SDU buildings ( houses ) then the houses can order FTTP but the MDU occupants cannot….the survey information asked for should help indicate what type of address you live in .

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Message 6 of 6

Re: FTTP not yet available but it's on my street

As said it’s listed as an MDU you’ll have to wait for an MDU Build Team to pick up the PON.

I know Openreach are currently increasing the size of their MDU Teams, they’re literally creating more in the next few weeks.

So it may get some sooner than you think. Although no one here, or at BT/EE would be able to say when.

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