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Message 1 of 4

Openreach installed fibre to the telegraph poles over a year ago - still not available

Hi all,

Openreach installed fibre to the telegraph poles back in April last year and still I can't get fibre to my premises. A workman confirmed that's what they were doing at the time. I can see the black boxes that I presume the individual houses are connected to.

Any idea why it would take so long to be able to provide it to the houses?

Openreach website is still saying 'Build planned between now and Dec-2026'


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Message 2 of 4

Re: Openreach installed fibre to the telegraph poles over a year ago - still not available

Could be down to many reasons but from time to time Openreach may pause work in one area if issues during the build or there some complexity that needs to be resolved.

You are best to contact Openreach for more information:

Message 3 of 4

Re: Openreach installed fibre to the telegraph poles over a year ago - still not available

Thanks I’ve used the form, see what they say 

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Openreach installed fibre to the telegraph poles over a year ago - still not available

Could be an issue with getting a Spine Cable there.

The Spine is the Fibre Cable that comes from the Head End and extends out to all the Agg Nodes, which in turn feed Splitter Nodes.

Depending on the location of the Head End Spines can stretch upwards of 30+ km, which inevitably means it’ll need cabling/jointing along some busy routes that would need TM. Also there’s little to no chance you’re going that far without hitting some duct blockages, or even duct overlays being needed. These will take time to clear/build.

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