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Message 1 of 3

Default wrongly added on Credit Report

Me and my partner had BT as a service provider for one ear. We specifically mentioned the contract had to be one year only as we knew would be moving out after that. The agent agreed and the sale was made via phone call, we never signed any documents.

Coming the end of the year, we call to cancel the service as discussed, we receive an email regarding confirmation of the cancellation of all our services and a confirmation of receipt of the kit.

A year later, we are attempting to buy a house, and find we have a default in my partners name. BT never cancelled our account and kept charging us even after the call that we made to confirm we did not owe them anything. This was extremely unexpected and caused us to loose most of our mortgage lenders and a house with an accepted offer.

We called BT hours after hours and it was finally agreed that the default would be completely removed from his credit file if we performed the payment, which we did almost immediately, after BT finally found a way on how to charge us for a debt we did not have to pay. We have emails to confirm these statements.

A bank decided to give us a mortgage if BT would honour their word and remove the default. We find a house on which we put an offer that is accepted and the time coming to apply for the mortgage we get declined because the default is still there, but as settled. This was not the agreement as it should have been removed.

Almost one month has passed and this default will cause us to loose yet another house and any chance of getting a mortgage so we can start our lives!We have called BT over and over again and they say they have sent several emails to the debt management team to remove the default but they are not having an answer back.

This has caused us so much distress we will proceed with legal action if this results in us loosing this house as well. BT is having a disastrous impact in our lives and all we want is for that default to be removed ASAP!

We have until the end of this week to solve this issue and we are desperately seeking for help as we don't know what else to do other than finding a lawyer to deal with this! We are in contact with a debt solicitor and will be progressing if we get any more disappointments.

Can someone please help?


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Message 2 of 3

Re: Wrongful default on credit file

We are almost exactly in the same situation. We made the payment to take it out of oir account on the basis the default would be removed.
We have already lost a house. BT has already said they would remove the default. They won't do it and we are at risk of loosing yet another house and not get a loan approved any time soon.
0 Ratings
Message 3 of 3

Re: Wrongful default on credit file

We are almost exactly in the same situation!
Can you please help us? This is urgent!
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