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Message 1 of 11

Disgusting service after cancellation

After being with BT for nearly a decade and my fixed rate contract ending I recieved highly inflated bills. I did a little online comparison and looked at what BT would offer new customers as well as other competitors and decided to make a call to get a new fixed monthly price.

Sadly, the person I spoke to was rude and refused to give me anything near the prices I had found online. I decided to cancel and was told that my services would continue until 30days later (18th March). Since that phone call I have had nothing but problems with my broadband connection.

My new provider cannot take over until BT released the phone line on 18th March and I'm also being billed until that date too.

I phoned BT on 4th March to complain about the poor connection I had been receiving. They did some checks there end and supposedly changed some settings to stop the constant drop in connection. Sadly this didn't work. 

Another phone call was made on 9th March. I was told that I had been disconnected because I had cancelled. I explained the orginally conversation and how I was paying for the service until 18th March and that the new provider couldn't start as BT wouldn't release the phone line until that date. The lady apologised, stated I was right and I should still be recieving a service from them. She put my through to the tech team.

They found a fault on the line and sent an engineer to "fix" the problem yesterday (12th March)....which worked for less than 24hrs.

All evening the broadband connection has been lasting 5/10mins and then dropping out again for well over 20mins at a time. Meaning we are without broadband more than we have it switched on.

Been on the help section of the app to get the connection tested...."we have detected a fault and need to send out an engineer" yet again have had to book another appointment for Friday 15th March (3 Days before I'm due to leave).

So frustrating as I'm being billed for 30days worth of poor connection. I use my broadband to work from home so it's effecting my business too. Is there anything that can be done about the charges. I'm appalled to say that until I made the decision to cancel I didn't have one problem at all; in all the time I have been with them. Suddenly the service is shocking but I'm still being charged the same. 

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Message 2 of 11

Re: Disgusting service after cancellation

If you wanted to switch to a different provider using the same Openreach line, because you found a better deal , then the process is , you advise that new company , that’s it , you leave it to them , they serve notice to BT on your behalf , by cancelling BT yourself, you didn’t use the correct process , and you made the timescales longer , ( 30 days instead of 10-14) , with the possibility of a beak in service before the new provider service ‘kicks in’ , obviously you should still be receiving BT service during 30 day notice period .

The fact your BT service has become unreliable in this period is simply a coincidence, what’s more , depending on where this fault is , it may  affect the service from your new company going forward , basically if there is a problem on the actual Openreach ‘line’  that is affecting your BT service, when you transfer to SkyTalkVodnet ( or whoever ) chances are , unless it is repaired in the next 4 days , the fault is still going to be on the ‘line’ and will affect the new ISP .

As far as running a business on a residential line , that’s technically a breach of the T&C’s and although it’s not unusual, with working from home , huge numbers of people do it , but it does mean that any consequential loss of business isn’t covered , what’s more , a business line may have a better repair time etc ( because they cost more ) , someone losing business on a residential line has no more priority than someone unable to watch Netflix…after all they both pay the same residential tariff.

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Message 3 of 11

Re: Disgusting service after cancellation

I'm afraid you caused the complications by not following the correct procedure to change providers.

If moving to a new provider, you simply place an order with them. They then cancel the service with BT and transfer service on the chosen date. There is no requirement for you to contact BT.

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Message 4 of 11

Re: Disgusting service after cancellation

Thank you, whilst I appreciate your reply I understand that if there is a fault with the line then it needs fixing regardless of whom my provider is. 

It does seem really fishy however that in nearly 10years there hasn't been an issue and now there suddenly is. Not only that but open reach were here and were have meant to have fixed the problem just a few days ago.....but are already having to come back out again! It's a very strange coincidence that there hasn't been a problem at all and now all in the last 30 days of the contract there is suddenly multiple.

My main question was about the fees for the service provided. I've have been continually checking speeds since my decision to leave. They have dropped to half of what I was receiving before i made that intital phone call and the connection is intermittently dropping all together. If I wasn't leaving I would expected some sort of compensation for the terrible service so why should I be paying for fibre 1 speeds and service when I have not been receiving it?

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Message 5 of 11

Re: Disgusting service after cancellation

Thank you. Sadly other than on this forum this isn't mentioned anywhere as protocol. Having never had a problem in 10yrs I hadn't even visited this site until I was googling yesterday evening when I saw multiple thread with similar answers to yours. 

Surely regardless of how you cancel, if you are paying for a particular service then you should recieve it!

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Message 6 of 11

Re: Disgusting service after cancellation


Your speed would have dropped because of the fault, which if repaired, would have restore speed back to the expected value. Half speed normally indicates a disconnection in one wire of the copper pair, which is easily fixed by Openreach.

Did you report the slow speed again to BT after the initial diagnostics?

As you are now moving to a different provider, you will have to raise the issue with them once your service is active.

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Message 7 of 11

Re: Disgusting service after cancellation


Yes, I have as mentioned now called or reported issues in the app. I have just got off the phone with them again and have been told that there are no faults showing on there end so it's best for me to wait until tomorrow (16th March) when open reach yet again attend to service the external connection.

They have also mentioned disputing my final bill when it arrives but to be honest I'm not hopeful I will get anywhere. 

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Message 8 of 11

Re: Disgusting service after cancellation


The first thing to look at, would be what your expected speed for your connection should be, as that will be the same for all providers who use the Openreach network.

Use the address checker for your address, on the link below, and post the results, but edit out your address details first.

If you have a phone number, you can use that on that form, but make sure you do not post your number here, as this is a public forum.

It could be that your expected speed has reduced because more people are now connected to the cabinet.




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Message 9 of 11

Re: Disgusting service after cancellation

Thinking it’s ‘fishy’ that this problem arose at the same time you decided to leave is a little paranoid, in what way would BT benefit ? , if anything,  if it were possible  ( and it’s not ) the losing provider would make your final days better , not worse , that way your new provider would seem  poor in comparison , and you more likely to regret moving , irrespective though , there is no way for BT to do what you are suggesting ,  and as far as Openreach, it doesn’t matter to them if you are a BT customer on an Openreach line or a customer of any other ISP , it makes no difference to them .

As far as your your misunderstanding of the switching process, that’s understandable, why would you know , however , you would think your new ISP  should know and would have offered you guidance, presumably they didn’t , but you picked  them , so ultimately you live by  your decision, you asked for BT to cancel your service, that’s a 30 day notice, and that’s what was set in place , 

You have every expectation that the service should work during the 30 day notice , BT have apparently let Openreach know that the original ‘fix’ didn’t work and so OR are going to revisit, in the circumstances what more do you expect BT to do  ?

As far as your final bill , if you have a reported outage that is stopping your service working completely , then BT as a member of Ofcom automatic compensation scheme , BT guarantee you will receive a payment ( a reduction on the final bill no doubt ) , for the lost service time , is your new provider part of the automatic compensation scheme ? , not all are, obviously the cheaper end of the market can make savings in ways not necessarily obvious, like backhaul capacity, like automatic compensation, like the service level agreement ( SLA) they have with Openreach as far as repairs are concerned , different levels of SLA , different pricing , BT take the highest and therefore most expensive SLA , what about your new ISP  ?

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Message 10 of 11

Re: Disgusting service after cancellation


I think I have every right to feel a little paranoid considering that I had 9+yrs of uninterrupted service and BT can and have remotely changed settings on the router in the past. 

I understand that it isn't their fault if there is a fault on the line and that it will need sorting by open reach regardless of who my provider is. 

I made the decision to cancel before organising anything with any other provider. BT were trying to charge me £50 a month for service I could get elsewhere for £25. When I phoned to set up a new fixed price contract with BT the call handler belittled me and tried to compare the broadband service to cars in an attempt to confuse me into a new contract. I decided not to stay out of principle due to his attitude. It was so bad that I asked to speak to someone else and the guy refused. My partner could hear all of the conversation and told me i would of been an idiot had i stay with a company that treated their loyal customers in such a way.

It was after I cancelled that I went back into the price comparison websites and researched the individual providers. I'm only saving around £15 a month however I am getting much more for my money with my new provider (sky); who I was with before moving to BT (I moved due to moving house and getting a better deal with BT at the time not due to any fault with Sky). 

You seem very loyal to BT and that is great, to be honest with you I did nothing but sing their praises until recently. 

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