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Message 1 of 8

Norton Password Manager requires a login via BT Internet.

I use Norton Password Manager via Firefox extension on a Windows 11 laptop, and via apps on iPad IOS 17 and iPhone IOS 17 all sync fine. Every now and then the login to the vault does not appear and instead I am requested to login with my BT Internet email address first. More often than not I get a blank screen with a spinner in the middle and nothing happens.
After a several time-outs and several more attempts I might get in, or get in later. The vault login always works - when it appears. This time I got in on the laptop via the BT login but the iPad and iPhone keep failing. Is this a known problem? Suddenly not having quick access to passwords is a nightmare. 
I'm new to this community. Mart.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Norton Password Manager requires a login via BT Internet.

Is this an issue with BT as this is what the forum is for.

If it is an issue with Norton Password Manager not working for you, then you should really be contacting Norton as it is their product and extension.

I do not subscribe, so please do not always expect a reply.
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Message 3 of 8

Re: Norton Password Manager requires a login via BT Internet.


BT supply Norton Password Manager to its customers so it is a BT issue if the OP is using Norton from BT.

What is BT Virus Protect and how do I get it? | BT Help

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Norton Password Manager requires a login via BT Internet.

I have BT broadband and Norton Password Manager is supplied as part of the package. I should have mentioned this. When it fails I do not get the login screen to unlock the password vault. Instead l get a BT login screen where I have to use my BT account email address and password. Then it says "redirecting" and I get a blank screen with a spinner in the middle and after a few minutes it times out and asks me to "try again". I don't have a login to Norton.

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Norton Password Manager requires a login via BT Internet.


Ah yes my bad I forgot that BT offer it through the BT Virus Protect.

We never use it ourselves as we have always just renewed our own Norton 360 with LifeLock for only about £20 each year, obviously renewal option off so not charged the stupid £150 renewal fee.

Anyways, back to the proper topic here regarding the issue, BT are still just using the Norton product extension, so BT would mist likely still need to contact Norton to get a fix.

For mobiles or tablets etc, you are simply downloading the Norton Password Manager app and for Windows and Mac, you are still doing the same and downloading and installing the extension from Norton.

BT won't be able to fix it themselves as it isn't their own product, rather just a service they provide, although they will be able to suggest certain things to do etc, however if they can't sort it then it will still take Norton devs to look into it.

I do not subscribe, so please do not always expect a reply.
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Message 6 of 8

Re: Norton Password Manager requires a login via BT Internet.


Again as stated previously my bad for forgetting it was supplied through the BT Virus Protect.

First off, make sure that in your saved vault details for BT, you are using the correct login page as it has changed -

See here for more info on that:

Secondly, make sure that you're not running any other brand of virus protection on computer or apple devices as it might be affecting it if you are.

As you mention you are using Firefox, make sure that you are running the latest version as Norton will only support up to two releases previously.

32-bit and 64-bit versions of the below browsers are supported:

Google Chrome - supports the current and previous two versions
Microsoft Edge - supports the current and previous two versions
Mozilla Firefox - supports the current and previous two versions

Go into your Firefox settings and clear your cookies and cache, then quit Firefox and open it again and try Norton Password Manager again.

See here if unsure how to do that - Clear cookies and site data in Firefox.

If the link gets removed as it's to an outside site, then simply search the same title above.

Also, try turning off any other third party extensions you have installed in Firefox, and then just run only Norton Password Manager in Firefox to see if it still plays up.

It might just be a simple issue that you have another third party extension conflicting with it or blocking it working fully.

Sometimes people forget that they have third party extensions like adblockers or popup blockers and need to whitelist the website or turn the third party extensions off for a certain website or page to work correctly.

You can also try using the Norton Password Manager extension in another web browser like Chrome or Edge to see if you still replicate the issue there too.

If you get the same issue recreated in other web browsers too, then it's more likely an issue with the Norton extension itself.

You can also just remove the Norton Password Manager extension from Firefox, then reinstall it and see if that helps, sometimes a basic thing like that often works.

We use Norton 360 with Lifelock ourselves and have no trouble using the extension in Chrome, Firefox or Edge, using it with a Norton account directly doesn't change anything with regards it's workings on various devices as it's still the same exact product extension.

Edge is just based on the same Chromium browsing engine as Chrome, so in theory you should get the same experience in both Chrome and Edge.

With the issues affecting Apple devices, as they are simply just using the Norton app too, then if BT can't get a fix sorted, then it might again need BT to contact the Norton devs to get a fix for you.

You can always simply try uninstalling and then reinstalling again on the Apple devices to see if that works.


I do not subscribe, so please do not always expect a reply.
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Message 7 of 8

Re: Norton Password Manager requires a login via BT Internet.


I was pointing out that the OP had every right to post on this forum with his problem and as he has Norton supplied by BT it is up to BT to resolve it for him.

It matters not if BT has to contact Norton for any solution.

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Message 8 of 8

Re: Norton Password Manager requires a login via BT Internet.

I was able to access NPM via my BT account login after a few attempts, but to regain access on my iPad and iPhone took a lot longer. It seemed as if the redirection step between BT and Norton was the problem. I was hoping that someone could tell me if this loss of service was a normal occurrence and also tell me if it was normal to need to perform this 'full login' extra step now and then for some reason, say, not using NPM for a certain length of time, although I do use it regularly on my laptop and iPad. I could not find a mention of this being necessary anywhere.

As far as Firefox is concerned, NPM is the only extension that I have. I only use Norton security - also supplied by BT.  I recently changed my Windows 10 laptop for one running Windows 11 and so have reloaded Firefox and NPM extension from new. I was getting the 'full login' extra step now and then on the old laptop too, and the redirection failures.

Thanks for the suggestions so far infinitywriter. I will work my way through the suggestions that I have not already tried. I don't have a massive issue with this problem on my laptop but loosing my access to passwords for hours on my phone when I am away from home is the real nuisance.

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