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Message 141 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Same here.  I'd all but given up posting about it here (until I got the notification of your reply) as it seems BT aren't going to be responding to any feedback despite having asking for it!  I think that the month of 'radio silence' suggests the chances of a fix in the forseeable future are minimal. 

Message 142 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Just one reboot this week...blank screen!
Message 143 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

I also get the black screen issue. Usually when I go from a BT/NOW channel to a normal channel eg BBC or ITV. Or it does it the other way round.. 

0 Ratings
Message 144 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Had been lucky enough not to have had the black screen for a while, until today! Cmon BT, please sort this out. These boxes and primarily the software, are terrible! 

0 Ratings
Message 145 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Well I've finally grown tired of the Pro Box and ordered Sky Stream. I'm keeping BT TV for BT Sport and for Freeview recordings at least until my TV, broadband and mobile contracts all end next summer then I'll have a decision to make. 

The lack of recordings on Sky Stream is a bit of concern (and whether it is going be equally buggy) and I wish I didn't have to have Netflix bundled in but Sky Sports in UHD is something I am looking forward to.  It was though the complete lack of response on this thread since feedback was asked for which finally pushed me to give it a go.

Not applicable
Message 146 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Exactly the same!
But I'm.out if contract and ordered Sky Glass not Stream.
Message 147 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Looks like a reboot once a fortnight is par for the course.

Blank screen again this morning and had to reboot!


Message 148 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

I got an odd variation last night in the box became partially unresponsive. I could change channels up/down & view the guide but I couldn't quit the guide or use the Back key. When it came to bedtime it wouldn't switch off either. As it was recording I had to leave it on  then hard off this morning, & it's now OK.

Annoyingly I'm stuck on software 6.112 which is now a couple of generations back. Although BT's refusal to publish a change log with their updates means we have no idea if anything meaningful is supposed to be addressed.

The radio silence from BT in general & @gavinlambourne in particular is disappointing. Makes me wonder if he was slapped down by  management for poking what was at the time, a sleeping dog?

It's obvious BT lack either the desire or competence to resolve these or any other issues. The sound issues are now getting on for 18 months since they first reported! So while I've had nothing like the problems some of you have, it may be time to dust off the trusty Humax.

0 Ratings
Message 149 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

Had to reboot twice already today. Living in hope that BT will finally
recognise that the box is faulty and supply an updated tried and tested box.
Message 150 of 192

Re: BT TV Box Pro issue - unresponsive

I am still of the opinion it’s not the boxes but the software… hoping someone can validate this!