Shortly before Christmas, my BT box pro was not responding to inputs from the remote. Changed batteries in the remote and still nothing. I then did factory reset with the keep recordings option. This got this got the box working but while the list of all the recordings was still there, each one showed as "failed to record". Given that previously everything was working fine, it seems likely that the issue was caused by a software update. I have been a long term bt customer and this is now the 3rd bt box which has lost the recordings, which is really annoying and shows very poor kit longevity.
Any suggestions on how to recover the recordings?
If the failure had been caused by an update, there would be many more complainants than you.
It sounds like a regular box failure, or a failure of the disc within the box, or data corruption on an otherwise perfectly good disc.
Whichever has happened, the recordings have become detached from their index entries, which you can still see there, hence the reports of failed to record, which is the only sense the box can make of the situation.
You have been somewhat unlucky to lose 3 boxes in succession; I have 8, and only one ever failed, 3 weeks in from product launch with an unrecoverable bug, and its replacement has lasted ever since, at least until YouView sawed it off at the knees.
But then I know I have been lucky, as box failures are a fact of life, and it’s a wise precaution to have an EETV subscription so you can get ready replacements.
You could try a full Factory Reset; this will bring a box back from disc corruption, albeit unable to save the lost recordings.
But if it doesn’t recover, or it does it again in the near future, then box number four is your only option 😢