When entering a new event, the time options are at half hour intervals. It used to be possible to edit the times to intermediate ones, e.g. X.20 or X.45. Now, unless it is on the hour or half-hour, it is impossible to enter the exact time. This is very inconvenient and negates its usefulness. Any solution?
Yes, I agree it's frustrating. I discovered this a few days ago whilst attemting to add some appointments - unable to add any time unless it's the hour or half hour. Interestingly, I looked at some I added just a week or so before, and they are showing what I had entered, e.g. 15, 45 past the hour etc. As you say, it really renders the calendar function useless if one is unable to input the correct time. 😞
Hi @SteveB21.
Thanks for coming to the community. On the back of your post I reached out to our e-mail team for some information, they have confirmed that the 30 min increment is how the calendar events are working at the moment, but they are planning to re-instate 15 min increments.
Thanks, Alex. But this still leaves questions. Why is that how it is working at the moment? Why has it changed? Why "re-instate" 15 minute increments, which is still insufficiently flexible? And that wasn't how it worked before, anyway, it was possible to write in whatever time you wanted. What if my appointment is at 11.10 or 12.35? Better not to have a drop-down menu of times at all and just let us fill in whatever we want. Do the IT people ever talk to those of us actually using the thing?
@SteveB21 I am sorry this change is effecting you, I have raised your concerns with our e-mail team and will let you know once I have more information from them.
Thanks, Alex. I have just had to enter a restaurant booking for 18.15 as 18.00 with a note of the "actual booking" time. What a farce!