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Message 1 of 5

Cannot admin my email after switching to Premium mail

Hi all - hoping someone can give me advice on this.

So I left BT Broadband for Plusnet. The switchover of broadband was painless. However as part of the process my BT email was to be downgraded to standard. So as soon as it appeared I followed the 'Upgrade to Premium' process and filled in the direct debit form.  So what has gone wrong?

1. I cannot administer my emails via MyBT.  I go to the product list and email is not listed. I go to account details and I can see another account there in the dropdown list - am assuming this is the new account for email? - anyway selecting it has no effect because when I go to my products again the account no reverts to the old one. So no email admin.

2. One email address of 5 did not make it across to Premium. We only know that because I tried sending test emails to all of the addresses from a work email. The one that has been lost is a catastrophe as it is my son's only email address and he has loads of important email on there from employers, college, insurance, etc (he is gen x so does not back thigs up or print them out). 

I absolutely have to have these issues fixed as soon as possible. I have raised a case with BT but so far no progress or contact received. 

How can I push this forward?

Thanks in advance. 

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Cannot admin my email after switching to Premium mail

Call the BT Premium email team on 0808 100 6778

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Cannot admin my email after switching to Premium mail

Thanks for the reply.

I already did that. Had a nice conversation with the support guy who said pretty much 'Oh yeah, funny that, I'll raise a case for the IT team to fix that. Anything else I can do for you today?' 

And here we are. No mail admin and lost email account.

I'm really looking for how to escalate this past the first line of BT support to someone who can make things happen. I've stood patiently in the queue, looking for some positive results.



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Message 4 of 5

Re: Cannot admin my email after switching to Premium mail

When you were a BT Broadband customer and set up your BTMail email accounts did you "gift" your son's email account to him and did he set up his own BTID so that he could manage the account rather than you having to do that and have access to it?

See link about setting up email accounts.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Cannot admin my email after switching to Premium mail

Hi. In order for your email to work correctly they have to be linked to your BT account. 

To do this you need to login to your MYBT page and import your email accounts . 

If you have not got a login to your MYBT page (It's not necessarily your BT email address and password) you need to create one. This can be done on the MYBT page. 

Once you have logged in to your MYBT page . You need to find products from the banners at the top.

Then right at the bottom of the products page there is import my email address (in very small writing) and when you click on this it will give you an option to import your email addresses .

The issue is that if you email addresses are not associated with you BT Broadband Account (Billing issues really) then all sorts of odd thigs can happen.

Hope this helps. Rgds eddie

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