Message 11 of 19

Re: Email abroad

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As already stated, I have never had a problem with email abroad.

I never use webmail and use Outlook 2010 on a laptop and Blue Mail on my phone, I never use a VPN for either.

I use both hotel WiFi and mobile 4G when abroad.

Obviously of no consolation for those experiencing problems but just to prove the nonsense that BT spout regarding mail clients.

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Message 12 of 19

Re: Email abroad

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I don't think it's nonsense what BT are saying about mail clients, though it would be good if there was an official and detailed statement on using email abroad.

I never use a VPN and my mail clients have worked fine abroad UNTI,L for some reason, logging in again is required.

Fortunately for me, the web mail on Edge browser (Android) has so far worked as my backup option.

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Message 13 of 19

Re: Email abroad

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Can you clarify what you mean by 'logging in again'.

Mail clients (unlike webmail) don't stay logged in to a mail server. They login, fetch mail and then logout at whatever interval you have set for fetching mail.


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Message 14 of 19

Re: Email abroad

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What computer, OS and mail client are you using?
Mine was Mac, OS10, Apple mail

As I said, was OK when I had VPN set to UK.
When I spoke to BT they told me their email system wasn't set up for use outside the UK.

The main issue was being locked out and having to reset. And now I'm back in the UK I STILL have to use a VPN.
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Message 15 of 19

Re: Email abroad

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Clearly a system configuration issue. BT probably sets things up for the 51% majority. When I spoke they say they don't support usage overseas - go figure.
What's your comp, OS, client setup?
Mine was Mac, OSX, Apple Mail
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Message 16 of 19

Re: Email abroad

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When I got frustrated enough I downloaded the BT Mail apps.
What's worse than the fact they are WOEFUL mail clients as you point out, the same issue happened. I've spoken to a dozen or so at BT and none of them really understand their systems, they're just using some fault finding software to guide them to the solutions that fix 51% of the issues. There's little knowledge and skill behind that, BT hasn't invited in that.
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Message 17 of 19

Re: Email abroad

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On my Windows 11 Pro PC and MacBook Pro, I use eM Client as my email application. 

On my iPhone and iPad, I use AirMail and occasionally Apple's Mail app.

Without any further configuration changes, my PC is now sending emails successfully - I did nothing but simply tested it again just now and it works again so my setup of the server settings was clearly correct but something was amiss at BT's end I guess.

I have also just set up my email account from scratch on my iPhone and iPad in AirMail and both work now too.  I did this exact same thing two days ago and it failed.

I have no clue as to what's going on.


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Message 18 of 19

Re: Email abroad

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I suspect s/he means having to re-configure the email app's server settings with the new password when BT forced a password change on them.

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Message 19 of 19

Re: Email abroad

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By logging in, I mean when a client asks for the password again as a security check. Those would normally only happen on very rare occasions in normal UK usage. With Outlook for Android you only need to supply your email address and password and it sets up the account for you. That's usually it, but on some random occasions it will al6l you to provide the password again.

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