I am attempting to set up a btinternet.com email account in windows 11 New Outlook and am getting nowhere.
I have followed the instructions on the BT setup page to the letter but to no avail. It is my understanding that it has to be an IMAP account which I have never set up before.
Once I have supplied the email address and password it comes up with Sync your IMAP account dialogue, I press Continue and then comes up with Waiting for your email provider and after a few minutes it comes up with "Sign in failed. Please try again in a few minutes. You may need an app password".
Can anybody advise please?
Thank you.
My apologies I have just noticed another question on the same topic. It appears I am not alone.
It is a problem with New Outlook, has been reported before. BT email does not require an app password.
I suggest you abandon attempts to use New Outlook and use the car superior free Thunderbird instead.