As the title, im using the new outlook desktop client on win 10 but its the same in bt webmail. Very annoying and not good enough as im paying just to keep my bt email accounts active.
Make sure that the "Conversation" View is not active. To do that log onto your BTMail account and click on "View" in the menu bar at the right hand side. Scroll down and Single click "conversation view" to toggle it on or off.
When you toggle it on or off you will see the name "Conversation View" change colour from grey to blue when it is turned on.
Ive done that several times anditdoesnt make any difference whatsoever
That is good to know because you never mentioned anywhere what if anything that you have tried to resolve the issue so those trying to help you, such as myself, have to start somewhere offering things to try in order to resolve your problem and as we are not mind readers it may mean that you get offered advice that you have already tried.
Yes i understand but they have just all disappeared though everything is still in my sent box I also have 3 seperate email addressesthat i use all BT and they are all the same only going back seven days???? I subscribe to premium mail to keep my accounts.
Have you tried calling the BT Premium email help team on 0808 100 6778.
Hi there @bob135
I understand how important emails are, so I can imagine it's quite worrying that you're emails should no longer be showing.
I'd like to get this looked into for you. I'll send you a private message for more information. Can you have a look and get back to me when you can.
You can access your messages via the envelope icon at the top right of the screen, or click on this link, Private messages
Im still only seeing emails going back 7 days ,now back to only 26th Jan 2025
I rather suspect you have configured your device to delete emails from the server after 7 days.