My mother (84, living with dementia and cancer) has recently had a BT digital voice landline installed in her room at the nursing home she now lives in. During both incoming and outgoing calls she can hear a crackling on the line which prevents her from clearly hearing what the other person on the call is saying to her. In contrast, the person receiving or making the call can hear her really clearly (as you would expect with Digital Voice). The phone really is a lifeline for her, so I want to fix it. Any thoughts on how to do this? She does use hearing aids. The phone is a Geemarc Amplidect 295 corded phone. Thank you in advance.
To rule out the Geemarc as being faulty, have you tried a different telephone on the line in your mother's room, and/or tried the Geemarc phone on a known good, (ie quiet), telephone line?
"Any thoughts on what to try next if it's not the phone?"
If the Geemarc is plugged directly into the SmartHub router, then if the telephone itself is not faulty then the only other things that I can think of are a faulty SmartHub, (possible), or errors on the internet connection, (unlikely, due to the very low data rates required for telephony).
If the phone proves to be OK, you could try a factory reset of the SmartHub.
I had the exact problem for at least 2 years I tried 5 phones to stop being charged if it was a problem in my house. I reported it several times before the line was checked properly. The line had a fault 50 meters from my house. BT eventually replaced the line, from a trap by my next door neighbour s house. No problems since,
At the time a had a normal pre digital voice, we have digital voice now and still the line is clear both ways. So is a definite line problem.
Thank you. Funnily enough, the line was upgraded to digital voice and is now very clear both ways.
It was kind of you to get in touch. Many thanks.