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Message 1 of 10

How do I restrict access to Home Hub?

I am trying to restrict my son's use of the internet.  He has a Samsung smartphone but it is listed about 4 times in the hub manager and whenever I try to impose time restrictions, it makes no difference?

His phone is only listed once on the Whole Home app so I think I have managed to get him off that.


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Message 2 of 10

Re: How do I restrict access to Home Hub?

His phone will be using MAC address randomisation, and will be impossible to block by normal means. Only by creating MAC address whitelists and making sure his phone only uses the device MAC, any other MAC address would be blocked.

This involves a lot of work, and a separate wireless access point with MAC filtering.


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Message 3 of 10

Re: How do I restrict access to Home Hub?

😩why does it have to be this hard?  If there was a simple solution then it would make restricting internet use so much easier.
Is the whole home different?  I think I may have blocked him from using that so at least he has to get out of bed if he wants to use his phone!  

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Message 4 of 10

Re: How do I restrict access to Home Hub?

There is a very simple solution, confiscate his phone.

Parenting by technology is doomed to failure.

Message 5 of 10

Re: How do I restrict access to Home Hub?

I was waiting for that.

What is the point of access controls if they are useless?

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Message 6 of 10

Re: How do I restrict access to Home Hub?

Also remember that you are only blocking the WiFi access from your Smart Hub or WHW Disc, your child will still be able to access Internet through their own mobile data.

The wifi controls do help, however if you want to block your child's device completely then you need to be using something that limits their phone time all together like Google Family Link, Microsoft Family Safety, Norton Family or other well known providers.

Then you'll be able to set time limits on any app, how long the phone is used for each day before being locked, when the phone is locked in the evening and unlocked in the morning and much more.

If you are expecting BT Parental Controls to do everything, then it won't and you'll just be easier doing what has already been suggested and take the phone away.

I do not subscribe, so please do not always expect a reply.
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Message 7 of 10

Re: How do I restrict access to Home Hub?


Access controls used to work when the MAC address matched the device MAC. Apple decided to introduce MAC randomisation which they called private addressing, to obscure tracking of a device from one wireless point to another. It changed the MAC address to a new random one each time, hence the multiple entries in the home hub log.

Of course everyone else followed including Android and Windows devices.

The result is that access controls no longer work, as they rely on a fixed MAC address, namely the true device MAC address.


Message 8 of 10

Re: How do I restrict access to Home Hub?

An Internet search will give your child the information they need to over ride Google Family Link, Microsoft Family Safety, Norton Family and no doubt any other programs related to parental controls.

Good luck finding one that can not be beaten by a computer literate child. If you find one please post back with ts name as I am sure there are many parents looking for it.

Message 9 of 10

Re: How do I restrict access to Home Hub?

Thanks for the responses.

We have tried the family/parental link things before when they were younger but every time they just got around the time limits somehow. So frustrating. 

I realise they will be able to access mobile data but that's finite and will run out eventually.

I do have BT's parental controls to stop unwanted content and they do understand about safe use. I just think the constant drivel they are fed will eventually turn their brains into mush!


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Message 10 of 10

Re: How do I restrict access to Home Hub?

Rather than banning him, you should create a list of allowable clients. Alternatively, you should get a different router with a better way of client management. You could create two WiFi networks: one for you and your devices, and the other, a guest one, for your son. That way, you'll be in control of his access (by imposing time restrictions, for example) and because it's a guest network, he won't be able to access the settings of the access point. If you type 'Fritzbox guest access' in Google, you'll get an idea of how it's done on Fritzbox, for example. This way not only will you be able to introduce time restrictions, but also determine what websites he can or cannot access. It's a very effective way of managing internet access, especially if MAC address randomisation is involved.

 But the question is whether you want to go all these lengths. Your son will undoubtedly research how to circumvent all restrictions and I'm sure he'll get round to accessing the internet in the end, for example, by buying a data SIM card or something else. I think a good idea would be to have a chat with him and teach him about the implications of spending too much time on the net, and to introduce a system where if he breaks the rules, then there are consequences. Not an easy job, so I don't envy your situation.

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