Message 1 of 6

WiFi speed massive drop

Hi all,

I have had full fibre for a while now. Usually I'm getting around 900-950 down to the hub via the cable and then via any wireless device I normally get 750-850 roughly. Lately that speed over WiFi has dropped to around 350-400. No changes to my network, no new devices etc. I tried factory resetting the router, went via BT support all to no avail. They sent a new router out which came today. I've set it all up and only connected one device and the speed is still around d 350-400. Anyone experienced this before and managed to fix it?


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Message 2 of 6

Re: WiFi speed massive drop

Probably just congested wireless channels, not much you can do about that. Its also going to depend on the wireless device itself, why would it need that sort of speed over wireless?

Best to use wired connections.


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Message 3 of 6

Re: WiFi speed massive drop

Well, I'm trying to figure out why it would drop so much when there have been no changes as far as devices etc. Wired connections not possible due to where the router is. Would just like to try and get the speed backup where it was if possible.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: WiFi speed massive drop

It was never intended that people get full speed on all devices, especially on a wireless connection. The intention is to allow that bandwidth to be shared among family members and multiple devices, without each user noticing any slowdown

Here is what one of the moderators posted a while back.

"I think for the first time ever we are in a situation whereby the speed you can now get through Full Fibre outperforms the capabilities of many devices.  

The Smart hub 2 does not come with Wi-Fi 6 but this is something we are looking to include in our next generation of Hub.  I don't have any info as to when we will launch a new router by Wi-Fi 6 will bring some improvement.

As an example of what I mean in terms of devices not being able to support the full breadth of speed available on Full Fibre 900, take a look at the table below.  This is just for a couple of Apple Smart Phones and Tablets along with  popular Samsung models,


Apple (Smartphones) Dualband (2.4 & 5Ghz) Theoretical Max speed on 2.4Ghz connection Theoretical Max speed on 5Ghz connection
IPHONE SE Yes 60mbps 300mbps
IPHONE SE 2020 Yes 135mbps



Samsung (Smartphones) Dualband (2.4 & 5Ghz) Theoretical Max speed on 2.4Ghz connection Theoretical Max speed on 5Ghz connection
galaxy-s10e Yes 135mbps 600mbps
galaxy-s10-5g Yes 135mbps 600mbps


Apple (Tablets) Dualband (2.4 & 5Ghz) Theoretical Max speed on 2.4Ghz connection Theoretical Max speed on 5Ghz connection
IPAD pro 3rd gen (Nov 2018) Yes 135mbps 600mbps
IPAD pro 4th gen (March 2020) Yes 135mbps 600mbps


Samsung (Tablet) Dualband (2.4 & 5Ghz) Theoretical Max speed on 2.4Ghz connection Theoretical Max speed on 5Ghz connection
galaxy-tab-s5e Yes 100mbps 300mbps
galaxy-tab-s6 Yes 60mbps 600mbps


Ethernet should ensure you get the maximum possible speed but I also appreciate that connecting this way is not always possible."


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Message 5 of 6

Re: WiFi speed massive drop

You might not have made changes to your devices, but neighbours could have made changes which interfere with your WiFi.  I'm amazed you ever got such high speeds - mine tops out at about 300 Mbps, which is more then enough the vast majority of the time (and I get 940 Mbps on wired connections when I need more).

Message 6 of 6

Re: WiFi speed massive drop

I can see a new medical condition, which I'll call Full Fibre Paranoia, being recognised soon. 😁

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