Message 11 of 23

Re: DLM reset

Hi @norsenoddy 

Thanks for posting on the community. 

I would suggest getting in touch with our technical support guides, they will get this looked into and let you know what is needed to get this sorted. 


Leanne 🙂

0 Ratings
Message 12 of 23

Re: DLM reset


How are you reading the IP profile, as the BT Wholesale Performance Tester ceased on 10th January, so I wonder if you are just seeing a cached result from your web browser which is no longer valid?

Message 13 of 23

Re: DLM reset

Interesting I didn't know that , I realised it wasn't doing a correct test , but speed checks from other sites still point to a IP profile of around 2.7 plus max attainable is always around 4800 Kbps but it's stuck at 3071 Kbps .I would've expected an increase by now.

0 Ratings
Message 14 of 23

Re: DLM reset

This page may help https://kitz.co.uk/adsl/IPprofile.htm

For your sync speed of 3071 the IP profile is 2500.

The sync speed is normally below the maximum rate. What is the downstream noise margin and the number of corrected errors (FECs), as I assume that interleaving is on? 


0 Ratings
Message 15 of 23

Re: DLM reset

This is what I get.

Basic Status


Device Information

Firmware Version:0.9.1 0.2 v0076.0 Build 170919 Rel.61201n

Hardware Version:TD-W9970 v2 00000000

System Up Time:41 day(s) 01:47:29



Line Status:Connected

DSL Modulation Type:ADSL_G.dmt.bis

Annex Type:Annex A/L


  Upstream Downstream
Current Rate (Kbps) 1155 10531
Max Rate (Kbps) 1208 10552
SNR Margin (dB) 7.7 3.1
Line Attenuation (dB) 20.3 33
Errors (Pkts) 0 0
0 Ratings
Message 16 of 23

Re: DLM reset

adsl info --stats
adsl: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Last Retrain Reason: 8000
Last initialization procedure status: 0
Max: Upstream rate = 640 Kbps, Downstream rate = 4732 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 692 Kbps, Downstream rate = 3071 Kbps

Link Power State: L0
Mode: ADSL2 Annex A
TPS-TC: ATM Mode(0x0)
Trellis: U:ON /D:ON
Line Status: No Defect
Training Status: Showtime
Down Up
SNR (dB): 7.6 5.8
Attn(dB): 55.5 35.7
Pwr(dBm): 18.3 12.4

ADSL2 framing
Bearer 0
MSGc: 89 12
B: 10 78
M: 4 1
T: 6 1
R: 16 16
S: 0.4440 3.6019
L: 1081 211
😧 4 8

Bearer 0
SF: 76028624 917840
SFErr: 726 36
RS: 2244144404 137206
RSCorr: 492440 2345249
RSUnCorr: 12387 0

ReXmt: 1081232 0
ReXmtCorr: 928450 0
ReXmtUnCorr: 12387 0

Bearer 0
HEC: 6914 66
OCD: 622 0
LCD: 622 0
Total Cells: 268094800 1998554520
Data Cells: 978647869 87031913
Drop Cells: 0
Bit Errors: 0 7005

ES: 36817 4511
SES: 1583 267
UAS: 9278 8519
AS: 1222836

Bearer 0
INP: 28.00 2.00
INPRein: 0.00 0.00
delay: 8 7
PER: 15.81 16.20
OR: 48.04 8.88
AgR: 3086.80 699.12

Bitswap: 254/254 288/288

Total time = 510 days 23 hours 51 min 48 sec
FEC: 11066397 511068016
CRC: 130653 6215
ES: 36817 4511
SES: 1583 267
UAS: 9278 8519
LOS: 68 0
LOF: 313 0
LOM: 310 0
Latest 15 minutes time = 6 min 48 sec
FEC: 0 125
CRC: 0 0
ES: 0 0
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC: 4 308
CRC: 0 0
ES: 0 0
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Latest 1 day time = 23 hours 51 min 48 sec
FEC: 1653 25430
CRC: 23 4
ES: 14 4
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Previous 1 day time = 24 hours 0 sec
FEC: 2135 27153
CRC: 52 10
ES: 27 9
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0
Since Link time = 14 days 3 hours 40 min 35 sec
FEC: 492440 2345249
CRC: 726 36
ES: 378 30
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0

0 Ratings
Message 17 of 23

Re: DLM reset

Lots of uncorrected errors, so there must be interference on the line. That is keeping the downstream  noise margin high, to keep the connection stable.

You may be able to hear the noise on a phone connected to the line, but the chances are its outside of the audible range.

Usual cause is radio frequency pickup on overhead lines, as I assume you are fed overhead.

There is not much you can do about it. A DLM reset would just result in an increase in uncorrected errors, which would very quickly reduce the connection speed again.

Many areas that have very low speed ADSL connections, are being planned for direct fibre, but this is going to take a long time.

Use the address checker on the page below, and post the results, but edit out your address details first, but leave the exchange name and cabinet number showing.

Please include all notes at the bottom.

0 Ratings
Message 18 of 23

Re: DLM reset

thanks for the info , all our lines are underground

0 Ratings
Message 19 of 23

Re: DLM reset

Underground cables can still pick up crosstalk from adjacent pairs, and from within wiring in the cabinet, especially if the pair is unbalanced.

I assume you are not on an EO (Exchange Only) line? That can be found from the link I posted, as there would not be any cabinet number shown.


0 Ratings
Message 20 of 23

Re: DLM reset

Yes it is an EO line still connected to the old exchange
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