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Message 1 of 4

Advice needed - new build property, no FTTP

Hi everyone,

I'd really appreciate your advice - we are moving into a new build house in a small village in about 4 to 5 weeks. There are 8 houses in the development, so fairly small. Last week we discovered, to our horror, that the developer has only arranged a copper connection, and the estimated speeds we're being offered are around 12mb. This wouldn't work for us at all with four people working from home.

It's very disappointing that the developer did not go for a fibre installation, we would have even paid towards this ourselves had we known. He now seems to realise this was a mistake as he has never built in such a rural area, and didn't seem to realise that copper would deliver such low speeds.

Can anyone advise as to a possible solution for getting faster internet, ideally FTTP? As the copper has already been installed I think it will be difficult to get Openreach to change the installation won't it? The ducting etc has all been done so I don't think installation would be very difficult. The houses just next door have FTTP too, making this even more frustrating!

Thanks for your help, it's much appreciated.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Advice needed - new build property, no FTTP

If it's over 10 mbps, that rules out the USO, your options would be for the 8 houses to club together for a community fibre partnership

You could look at mobile broadband, satellite or FTToD if available.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Advice needed - new build property, no FTTP

As the houses are now built and a Metallic Path Network has been put in I’d imagine the Developer would now need to bare the full brunt of the cost of a Fibre Overlay. Just because there’s Ducting to the new houses that wouldn’t really reduce any cost, there’s a whole Backhaul of Network that would be required.

If he’d have gone to Openreach before the build started he may have got it built for free or at least at a reduced cost.

I’d imagine your choices are now;

Don’t go through with the purchase and buy a house that has FTTP if it’s truly that important to you.

Live with what you have until such time Openreach or another FTTP Network Supplier puts FTTP to your home.

If the PCP your line is connected to has FTTC you should be able to order FTTPoD. That’ll cost you, how much I don’t know as it depends on what work is required. 

If your new neighbours give a **bleep** about Ultrafast Fibre maybe you could all do a Community Funded Fibre Build.

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Advice needed - new build property, no FTTP

Firstly don’t worry you have some temporary options.

Use 4G in the interim if speeds are good (50-60Mbps).

If FTTC is available that can be bonded too. Some people have done 4x bonded copper.

As others have said, you can pay for FTTPOD but it will be expensive. Community fibre partnership is your best bet if your new neighbours are also interested.

See if your covered by the gigabit voucher scheme, you may get some financial contribution:

You and the neighbour can all apply for the voucher if eligible. 


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