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Message 1 of 6

Anyone know how long OR take to fix a blocked pipe on a failed install?

Hello everyone...


Appreciate this is one of those how long is a piece of string questions but some people may have an idea..

I have a huge saga I could go into with this but I'll just say that If I could cancel all of my BT services I would as I am sick to death of how **bleep** they are at everything and anything they do.


Anyway, been waiting 6 months to get FTTP and my install date was today.  Engineer showed, spent 20 minutes trying to get a fibre cable in the underground pipe and then gave up saying while water goes through he cant get the cable through so he has to abort the install and pass it back to OR to have a special team come clear the pipes.

I'm expecting that to reset everything back to another month wait, but hey I'm hopeful they may pop out next week and sort it out, but its unlikely.. Im actually minded to just cancel and give up trying to get this done as clearly it is beyond their ability.

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Anyone know how long OR take to fix a blocked pipe on a failed install?

Unfortunately it is, as you say, how long is a piece of string. It is entirely dependent on Openreach's workstack in your area.

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Anyone know how long OR take to fix a blocked pipe on a failed install?

Thanks.. theyve ceased all my services even tho the job was a fail, so no idea what to do now...  time to dump BT i think they cant do anything right.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Anyone know how long OR take to fix a blocked pipe on a failed install?

It will still be Openreach whichever ISP you choose.

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Anyone know how long OR take to fix a blocked pipe on a failed install?

@MattUKJust ring the FTTP team and ask them to reinstate services until FTTP install is complete.

0800 587 4787

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Anyone know how long OR take to fix a blocked pipe on a failed install?

If only it was that easy.  Fibre team ain’t interested referees to connections who can’t do anything until next week 


I hate BT

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