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Message 1 of 2

BT Broadband & Landline without engineer visit?

Hello, I'm currently looking at having BT landline and Broadband (Fibre) connected in my house. I had BT phone and broadband before but cancelled in 2012 as it wasn't used much due to me either being offshore or overseas with work. There hasn't been any other phone or internet service at the property since then.
If I remember correctly from the last time it was connected in the property the broadband hub was delivered by courier then about two weeks later a BT engineer visited the property to check the phone line and make sure the broadband router was installed correctly - I had already installed the router and had a landline handset plugged in which were both up and running on the date BT activated the phone line and before the engineer came to visit.
Would it be possible to find out if I was to order a new broadband & phone service would an engineers visit be needed? Only reason I ask is due to the current pandemic situation I'm trying my best to reduce contact with others.
When I plug a handset into the phone socket there is still a dialling tone so I assume the connection would work once the broadband/phone services are activated by BT.
Under the circumstances I would prefer to plug the router in myself (I assume its still plug and play?), connect my computer and if things don't work then request a visit from the BT engineer.
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Message 2 of 2

Re: BT Broadband & Landline without engineer visit?

As you already have an openreach line then you should be able to place an order with BT and should be a plus and play with no engineer visit

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