Message 1 of 3

BT Cloud - Sync Pending?

Hi, I use the BT cloud to store data and share files between my laptop and desktop PC's.

On my laptop I've just noticed that the BT Cloud Dashboard sync pending and the little cloud icon in the notification area isn't showing the tick like it normally does.

Any idea how I troubleshoot this please?



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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT Cloud - Sync Pending?

Well in the absence of any formal support I suppose I'm on my own. This is what I've done.

Backup my BT Cloud files physically on the laptop. Takes about 2 hours - over 100GB.

Uninstalled the BT Cloud client.

Installed the BT Cloud client.

Stopped the Sync.

Copied the backup back to my laptop.

Restart the Sync.

Unfortunately something must have changed during the backup/restore and every file is being re-downloaded it seems.

Thank goodness I'm not capped.

I'll update tomorrow.








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Message 3 of 3

Re: BT Cloud - Sync Pending?

Well that was strange!

When I posted there was still 1,400 files to go, a good proportion of which are VOB files (video captures from old personal camcorder tapes) and 1 GB in size. I knew there was at least 80GB still to go.

10 minutes after I posted the sync completed. So I can only assume that for some reason that I won't try to understand the client saw some files as different but, thankfully, saw the vast majority as already synced and ignored them.

What's more the client is behaving correctly again.


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