Message 581 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I have yet to make it past the first hurdle and cannot load the desktop app. Whether BT and AVG have come to any agreement who knows, no feed back from either party on False Positive (or not).

I can access what is in BT Cloud from my Ipad but who knows how I logoff from the Ipad App when there is no logout button or command, I raised this ages ago, but ignored of course. The only way seemingly to logoff is to uninstall the App.

I have used the web portal but who knows where the files went, they certainly dont appear in the Album list.

I am busy re-organising my important backups on external disks, nothing more will go anywhere near BT Cloud. 

Any files left in BT Cloud about 65Gb can stay there until BT tells me they are going to delete them in a few years time because they notice I have not accessed them or put any new ones up.


0 Ratings
Message 582 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Thanks for that information.  Went into the box with hidden apps and it does appear that cloud is loaded and working.

0 Ratings
Message 583 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

This is really good news and thank you for sharing it with everyone.

But, why have BT only told you?

Not your fault and no blame attached, but it is strange that they could not send an email to everyone that is affected to give them this reassurance.

Thanks again for doing BT's job for them.


0 Ratings
Message 584 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Andyholten, I'm finding updates to documents do eventually upload.


Test document created Friday 11th December @ 17:22hrs

Successfully uploaded to BT Cloud @ 17:26hrs.  Document then amended and saved at 17:28hrs.

Amended version finally updated on Thursday 17th December at 17:40hrs.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm just backing-up  to a USB Flash Drive for the time being, which is fine as I only use BT Cloud as back-up and not for syncing across devices.

0 Ratings
Message 585 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Hello @New_To_UK 

In message 563 you say "I use this all the time to share links..."

Are public links still working for you?

While I have no problem creating links, I find they are being removed exactly 24 hours (to the minute) after creation. I want to create links for family and friends to browse photos at their leisure, not just in the following 24 hours only. I found this problem on 21 Nov, so it may be unrelated to the recent upgrade, but of course there may have been work on the server side well before the new client was released. Links I created up to May 2020 still work. 

0 Ratings
Message 586 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


Hello @New_To_UK 

In message 563 you say "I use this all the time to share links..."

Are public links still working for you?

While I have no problem creating links, I find they are being removed exactly 24 hours (to the minute) after creation. I want to create links for family and friends to browse photos at their leisure, not just in the following 24 hours only. I found this problem on 21 Nov, so it may be unrelated to the recent upgrade, but of course there may have been work on the server side well before the new client was released. Links I created up to May 2020 still work. 

Hi, ok I do see this occasionally but not all the time, its nothing to with this thread and issues reported here but an issue regardless. I will rereport this issue - its definitely meant to stay more than 24 hours on all occasions. 

0 Ratings
Message 587 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I forgot to put in my last post that.....

A New document created 14/12/20 @ 15:54hrs  also didn't upload until 17:40hrs on 17/12/20.

So maybe that indicates that 'nothing was happening' and then 'something' caused BT Cloud to 'Wake-up' and upload.  ??

0 Ratings
Message 588 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

<andyholten> Yes you are correct, even though my modified files are shown in the "Recently Updated" list (after a restart), when you look using the web version those files HAVE NOT been copied up. In fact no files have been synced for me since the 15th Dec (3 days ago). How cynical of me to have presumed they would have been, is that not the point of those messages! So you cannot even trust the desktop GUI Updated messages Ahhhhhh!
0 Ratings
Message 589 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Message 581


I did ask that question and was told the fix is coming very soon. I did point out it had better be as you are lossing customers confidence fast. I think internally they are aware about the lack of customer information and are beginning to respond personally by phone to those like me who ranted and ranted on this forum.

Like you I totally agree they should have informed their customer base in advance and then followed up with updated news as things develop as that would stopped the adverse comments from their customers. Too late now.

Fingers crossed the next Cloud update comes very soon and importantly works so we can all move on.



0 Ratings
Message 590 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Thanks Jamie - I'll not hold my breath 🙂
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