Message 691 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud


I think several of us get an error when BTCloud startup and the tray icon disappears immediately. If that is the problem you can look in the windows event log.

Application: BT Cloud.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: SQLite.SQLiteException
at SQLite.PreparedSqlLiteInsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(System.Object[])
at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.Insert(System.Object, System.String, System.Type)
at SQLite.SQLiteConnection.InsertAll(System.Collections.IEnumerable, Boolean)
at Sncr.Cloud.Core.Data.RepositoryBase`2[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].InternalAddRange(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.__Canon>, Boolean)

Exception Info: Sncr.Cloud.Core.Data.RepositoryException
at Sncr.Cloud.Core.Data.RepositoryBase`2[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].InternalAddRange(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<System.__Canon>, Boolean)
at Sncr.Cloud.Core.Data.RepositoryBase`2+<>c__DisplayClass4_0[[System.__Canon, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.Guid, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]].<AddRange>b__0()
at Sncr.Cloud.Core.Data.DbOperationQueueItem+DbOperationAction.Execute()

I contacted BT but they just told me to reinstall BTCloud which did not make any difference.

0 Ratings
Message 692 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

Have you tried running it directly from the web at BT Cloud web, as suggested in Message 483, which reads:
Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for your continued patience. The update to the BT Cloud Windows client was necessary to ensure long term stability and functionality.

Following customers reports of problems with the new software, we’ve been working continuously to improve the performance of the Windows 20.6.1 client and have now made some changes which we believe to have had a positive effect.

Whilst we understand how frustrating it will be for those of you still having problems, we’d like to assure you that we’re committed to working to resolve these. However, we don’t want to release a new client without it being fully tested so we now plan on doing this early in the new year.

Our agents and forum leads will continue to provide support and, where necessary, may ask you to provide us with some logs to aid our ongoing investigations.

We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused to you whilst we work through this and we’ll continue to keep you updated.

Whilst, not your preferred method, if you’re having problems you can still use our service from the web at BT Cloud web .
0 Ratings
Message 693 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

At the risk of being boring can someone tell me how you log off from the IOS client without removing the app from my IPad.

Why does the Android app want my  mobile phone number when I actually log in with my BT ID ?

Neither BT nor AVG have commented why the Desktop is detected as a virus and when this will corrected.






0 Ratings
Message 694 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

Logging in to BT Cloud via the web gives me access to all my files on there. It was doing that that showed me nothing had been updated since 1st December. But the automatic updating is not happening. You can use the cloud by dropping files in it but, depending on how many files you regularly use and need to back up, that can be an arduous exercise and is not the service paid for. I assume BT will be giving everyone a refund in due course.

0 Ratings
Message 695 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud


Logging in to BT Cloud via the web gives me access to all my files on there. It was doing that that showed me nothing had been updated since 1st December. But the automatic updating is not happening. You can use the cloud by dropping files in it but, depending on how many files you regularly use and need to back up, that can be an arduous exercise and is not the service paid for. I assume BT will be giving everyone a refund in due course.

Most people get the BT Cloud as part of their Broadband service with no specific fee (they don't have to use the 'free' service if they have alternatives) - although some will have paid for additional storage.  I have one terabyte which comes with my rations and is free. The files they have stored are accessible (as you have yourself indicated) - at least for most people. BT say that none have been lost, although some people may be unable to access them at the moment. What has been lost (for some, but by no means all people) is the facility to continue automatic back-ups, at least until the new interface software works - although some on this board have said that re-establishing back-up routines has sorted that problem for them.

BT has clearly launched a new service which has failed either to replicate the old, or, for some customers, to work at all, but it has both recognised that and is doing (it appears) something to remedy this. It has been able to help some individual customers to sort out their specific problems. Customers for whom things aren't now working have every right to complain, of course, and should do so, although perhaps waiting until the new version of the desktop/ client app which is promised for, well, now, has been released, to see whether that does sort issues. Otherwise all I can suggest is that people check through the Web/ Browser app whether their back-up routines still exist/ are still pointing to the right folders etc. Which of course you shouldn't have to do, if the initial software drop did properly replicate the important elements of the old client.

BT should also publish properly (through its main pages, not via this thread) detailed explanations and advice as to how to re-set up the backups customers want. Probably when it has a client that works as it is meant to.

0 Ratings
Message 696 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

Thank you for that very helpful reply. I agree that there is no specific charge for the cloud service and, as BT express it as a free service, that probably gets them out of any legal obligation. However, some would argue that, in deciding to use the BT broadband service and pay a fee that is higher than many others, they noted the inclusion of the cloud service. If it had not been there, they might have gone elsewhere. So I still think BT has at least a moral obligation to think about compensating its subscribers. But I am realistic enough to know that that argument is not likely to get very far. And if they do sort it out soon and we lose none of what is already in the cloud, then I wouldn't worry anyway.

The one thing that really surprises me (though I know it shouldn't) is how terribly badly BT is handling this from a PR point of view. The only apologies I have seen have been comments in this community. At the very least there should be something about it on its main webpage and probably emails to all its customers who use the service. Perhaps its time to raise the matter with Watchdog or the press or even the onbudsman

0 Ratings
Message 697 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud


Thank you for that very helpful reply. I agree that there is no specific charge for the cloud service and, as BT express it as a free service, that probably gets them out of any legal obligation. However, some would argue that, in deciding to use the BT broadband service and pay a fee that is higher than many others, they noted the inclusion of the cloud service. If it had not been there, they might have gone elsewhere. So I still think BT has at least a moral obligation to think about compensating its subscribers. But I am realistic enough to know that that argument is not likely to get very far. And if they do sort it out soon and we lose none of what is already in the cloud, then I wouldn't worry anyway.

The one thing that really surprises me (though I know it shouldn't) is how terribly badly BT is handling this from a PR point of view. The only apologies I have seen have been comments in this community. At the very least there should be something about it on its main webpage and probably emails to all its customers who use the service. Perhaps its time to raise the matter with Watchdog or the press or even the onbudsman

It is worth noting that a number of people who complained (at the start) on this board were contacted by BT developers to find out in more detail what the issues were and to offer help and apologies. I don't know the numbers of people who have been hit by this problem - but if it isn't a very large number publicising the issue through PR might only have worsened BT's reputation. Certainly its communication hasn't been good - starting with the failure of the new app to notify that it had been loaded successfully - rather than only notifying failure - when the familiar  desktop window was lost (all previous updates had updated to the expected window). That in itself caused confusion and dismay. It also did not release updated guides, or even let its own support staff know of the change and the issues, at least initially. This is terrible practice for what was, in effect, a new product launch.

But I doubt whether the ombudsman would be in any way interested in the fact that BT has lost the plot in product management and marketing, and Watchdog is more interested in fraudulent and dangerous practice, not management incompetence where this doesn't result in serious material loss.

Remember that BT has many significant competitors offering some limited  'free' Cloud storage - as well as there being easy local competition for anyone with a few quid to spare to set up their own 'cloud' servers - as many businesses do. 'Cloud' is a marketing term, after all - it's actually networked (and very terrestrial based) hard drives.

0 Ratings
Message 698 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

rperc13 - Have you set your backup and sync setting correctly? See GeoffSmith's Message 661.

0 Ratings
Message 699 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I would like to suggest for the following section to assist users that you could add the link for where to send logs, and who to contact:


Errors while using the client e.g. Unexpected Error, Metadata message not clearing

This again we believe was mostly caused by the spike in usage last week and caused some users these errors. As we have scaled our network over the last week, customers should not be seeing this.

If this is still happening, please try restarting the client once to check if this has resolved it.

If you are continuing to see issues, please send us your logs for investigation.


Please take this as constructive feedback:

You could have provided an email address, a contact number, which logs were to be sent. and to whom (there are several logs and contact numbers)

Your post is on page 49, and the thread is still alive at page 70.  I am confident BT will provide a better Windows application in the future, but be honest; it really does help the community.  The BT Cloud app is not fit for purpose, and your lack of backwards compatibility means this thread will continue to grow until you resolve the issue.  

The application does not work for every user.  BT users pay for a service.  BT are not providing that service.  This is shown through the non-agile development of their latest BT Cloud version.  We are unable to use a previous version which actually worked on Windows 10.

TSO or whoever developed this tool within BT needs to take a good long hard look at themselves, through the release of the application, the quality assurance on the sign off of the application as well as not having the honesty to admit it needs fixed.

British Telecommunications




0 Ratings
Message 700 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

I have looked back at that message. Even if I understood what he was saying (which I don't as I have little understanding of computers), when I log in to BT Cloud via the web I don not get a screen 2which looks anything like the one shown in his message.

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