Message 791 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

Jamieandangela - With respect, not all function are available in person to person conversation and there are more Forum members involved in our current conversations.
0 Ratings
Message 792 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

oK apologies JTS1, I appreciate that you guys are trying to get issues resolved, however, a lot of us cannot get the Cloud to work without it crashing our machines. BT have let’s themselves down and their lack of Customer Service is appalling.

0 Ratings
Message 793 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud - Selective Download



I'm relieved to find that Selective Download is less complicated than I previously thought. 

Most importantly (based on a single test) sub-directories are now being included (previously they were empty).  And the download took place immediately. Earlier I tried a takeout using the BT Cloud Website, and the sub-directories were still empty; hopefully that will soon be corrected.

Subsequent tests have all failed to download just the selected directory but instead have started to download from a higher level.

Not just useless but risking downloading a vast amount of data.

Further tests show the following problems.

Suppose a directory structure      C:\Users\<name>\Documents\A\B\C

(1) Selective Download of A "works". The download starts quickly with multiple files downloading in parallel, and the sub-directories have content.

(2) Selective Download of B results in A (including B) being downloaded.

(3) Similarly, Selective Download of C gets A (including B and C) downloaded.

This indicates a lack of basic testing. Just as well that it stopped at A and didn't download from Documents or higher!

Running, as in (1), against a 200MB directory, with several levels of sub-directories, appears to work just fine but checking the download against the original directory on the PC show a discrepancy of one directory and 10 files. Nothing in that directory had been changed or added in months, which calls into question the integrity of all  the backup.

As for the moderator's comment (the first from anyone at BT since 14th December) referring to "the BT Cloud client for Windows issue [sic] some of you have been experiencing", I venture that there are so many problems that practically everyone trying to use BT Cloud is having "issues", potentially many thousands of customers.

Message 794 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud - Selective Download

0 Ratings
Message 795 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

jamieandangela Absolutely agree with what you say. My hope is that JTS1 or someone else will find something that helps  all of us who have a completely useless BT Cloud while we wait for BT to sort themselves hope. My bet is on the pandemic ending before they do that.

Message 796 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

Cheers rperc13

0 Ratings
Message 797 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

John Your summary is not quite correct.

Black Folders
Richard's Windows Desktop (DESKTOP 1RR515T) is Empty;  No - clicking on it shows that it contains the C folder with 8GB content last modified on 8 December 2020. It contains everything in the C folder on my PC but with nothing changed since 8 December. It therefore has a duplicate of everything in BT Cloud.

BT Cloud contains 6 original Folders and all of the original files. Yes
BT Cloud also contains 4 additional Folders with different names (added 1st Jan 2021).  These Folders contain copies of some of the original files. Not quite right. On my PC those 4 folders are sub-folders of one of the original 4 folders. Rather than drop in the whole of the top folder, I dropped in 4 sub-folders that contain files that have been substantially updated since 1 December. So those 4 folders (which have the same names as they did originally) now duplicate what is already there in the original folder except that they contain files that have been changed since 1 December. 

BT Cloud also contains some additional individual files (added 1st Jan 2021 and a further 2 added on 8th Jan 2021). Yes but note that some of these again duplicate what was already there except that they have been changed since 1 December.  

When you added (copied/moved) a couple of files from the 2021 Folders into the Original Folders they synced correctly. No - they do not sync at all. The system recognises that there is already a file of that name and simply adds the new file with (1) after its name. I expect if I did the same when the file had been further changed, it would put (2) after its name.

So, in conclusion, there is still absolutely no syncing going on in my folders or files.

0 Ratings
Message 798 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

John, with respect to your moderator message below.

Comments such as "some of you have been experiencing" does not gives us much confidence, when there are universal problems as well. Nor does the timescale we seem to be facing.

For instance, if you log into BT Cloud directly via Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, and try and download a folder with sub folders in it, all you get are empty folders. So, my 67Gb of photos downloads as a 3.44kb folder! Is this what BT mean to happen?!? This appears to be a universal problem for all Cloud users. It does not need anyone's logs to fix surely. 

It has been over a month now, and you still cannot give us a date, even to fix the above problem. This is a really poor show from BT.  Don't BT understand why we find such a post very unsatisfactory? Please can we have a more informative update on what is happening and when?


Moderator JohnC2

on ‎08-01-2021 20h02

Re: BTcloud
Hi everyone and Happy New Year

I wanted to provide a quick update on the BT Cloud client for Windows issue some of you have been experiencing. Our BT Cloud team has been working over the festive period collating the logs you’ve sent us and replicating what you’ve reported to us. Fixes for these issues are now being developed and tested. This is encouraging and we hope to have more news to share with you soon.

A massive thanks to everyone who has submitted logs and comments, it has been a great help to the BT Cloud team as they work through the issues. I’ll update you as soon as I can with further developments and thanks for your patience with us.



Message 799 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

fully agree with your post

0 Ratings
Message 800 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

@jamieandangelawrote: As paying customers we find the word “soon”a huge bit frustrating. Why no timeframe and stick to it?

So, Jamie, exactly how long is a piece of string?  To the nearest micron would be nice!  😉

Finding and fixing bugs isn't an exact, time limited, science.  Even once the faults are identified and corrections implemented, they still need to be thoroughly tested (and possibly re-modified etc.), before being released - unless you are happy for the current cataclysm to continue indefinitely.

Personally, I would rather that the new BTCloud writers spent extra time thoroughly testing both client and server side software to ensure they work correctly, as documented, before the next release.  Regular updates would, of course, be helpful for everyone.

If a priority has to be called, I would say the server software needs to be addressed first because, although everyone's backups are still saved on BTCloud, the "top folder content only" bug means BTCloud is essentially WOM (Write Only Memory).  Unless you are creating or changing thousands of files on daily basis  then continual backup is much less important than the ability to retrieve what has already been backed up.