Message 941 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


I have been getting the same "trying to connect to server" message for several days on laptop.  I have tried deleting and restoring without success.  It downloaded and works fine on another laptop.

Your firewall may be blocking it from communicating with the Internet.  Try adding it to the list of allowed apps on your Firewall.

0 Ratings
Message 942 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

To    C:\ProgramData\HP\BTCloud\app-20.6.1   yes

0 Ratings
Message 943 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


To    C:\ProgramData\HP\BTCloud\app-20.6.1   yes

Despite the message, has your Show hidden icons (accessed via the upward pointing arrow on the Task bar) got a small cloud icon in it.  If so, is it a black cloud, or a white cloud with a circle or tick in it?


0 Ratings
Message 944 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

a black cloud.  And when I click on it, the only text in the box where the recent activity usually appears are the words "RECENTY UPDATED"



0 Ratings
Message 945 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Im hoping the new release works, all i get and ive tried on 3 pcs is the icon looks for metadata, than after 30 seconds the app in the tray closes itself, therefore not working on any of my pc's even tried by turning off firewall and i only use windows defender, so given that an folders i download from the web browser only download in a format not the same as the original folder , i.e have to create a folder to then move the files to a new folder, so it will take me forever, zipping a foldercwith sub folder is pointless, all the files in the folders download outside the sub folders in one batch, so a waste of time, i have been advised to wait, but as of the last 6 weeks my 850gig of music is stuck on bt , i am totally fed up 

0 Ratings
Message 946 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Hi John (JTS1),
I have downloaded the user guide, but still cannot upload my photos within the folders I had created for each set files.
I've tried "Dragging" a folder of photos but it has uploaded the individual photos but not the folder. When I look in the "Albums" there are none.
Have I got some mappings wrong somewhere ?

0 Ratings
Message 947 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


a black cloud.  And when I click on it, the only text in the box where the recent activity usually appears are the words "RECENTY UPDATED"



The black small black cloud indicates that syncing has not started.  Can you go to C:\Drive in File explorer and search it to see where BT Cloud client has been put.  It should be in c:\Users\name of user\BT Cloud

Since your first posting of your problem, other Forum Members have started to report the same thing as you.  One user has said that he has 2 Laptops, one of which works and the other displays the problem.


0 Ratings
Message 948 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

It's in C:\ProgramData\HP\BTCloud\app-20.6.1 as mentioned above, and has been there since 11/12/2020 (the name of the user on this laptop was installed as 'HP') - This was all working last night before my laptop rebooted itself overnight, tried to install a Windows update, failed to do so, and then backed the update out.  I don't know how the failed Win update would affect an app in this way though, as everything else is working OK.

0 Ratings
Message 949 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


It's in C:\ProgramData\HP\BTCloud\app-20.6.1 as mentioned above, and has been there since 11/12/2020 (the name of the user on this laptop was installed as 'HP') - This was all working last night before my laptop rebooted itself overnight, tried to install a Windows update, failed to do so, and then backed the update out.  I don't know how the failed Win update would affect an app in this way though, as everything else is working OK.

Sorry Andy, I don't think I made myself very clear.  When the Desktop BT Cloud shortcut icon is highlighted and then double clicked, 2 things should happen.  A small cloud will appear in your hidden icons and also the BT Cloud client folder should appear in your File explorer.   

The end of the path is the BT Cloud client folder, which your case should be:  C:\Users\HP\BT Cloud  

This is where all of your Synced/Backup files. can be found.  Please let me know when you find it.


0 Ratings
Message 950 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


Hi John (JTS1),
I have downloaded the user guide, but still cannot upload my photos within the folders I had created for each set files.
I've tried "Dragging" a folder of photos but it has uploaded the individual photos but not the folder. When I look in the "Albums" there are none.
Have I got some mappings wrong somewhere ?

Andy, you have just found yourself in a trap. 
The Folders that you dragged into BT Cloud have been created and you can find these if you go to the icon for
All my files (fifth one down on the BT Cloud - My activity screen). 

Click on it, then choose BT Cloud.  This will display grey folders containing your files and other files too.  Unfortunately, they are not the correct type of Folders and this is what BT are currently striving to fix.

Its not really a trap, as they can be deleted again if you wish.

Take a look and let me know what you find.


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