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Message 601 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

1. I assume if I was getting the pause issue every time I downloaded the update no point bin trying again.

2. I have had a call from BT re a fix in the New Tear.

3. Don't be fobbed off with lack of compensation from a free service BT Cloud forms a bundled part of your agreement unless its offered free to anyone without a BT internet account,  its not Free.

4. The Outlook issue has existed for about 8 years as I have other backups I merely store my PST files in a folder called Outlook that is excluded from Cloud backups, I wonder if that is possible now, from and I manually when I remember move the latest PST file to the Cloud .

5. I have never had a BT Cloud update work first time.

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Message 602 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

rorysheridan - I do not know if the the phone call that you had was real, but I have some good news for you.  Like you, I have two laptops and I hadn't tried to load and sync the second one and replicated the problem and even the error report, but I also completed syncing successfully.   

I tried to let the syncing run itself, and for a short period of time the syncing progressed , but then reported an error message and so I stopped to try and think why.  When I looked I realised that the session had expired, so I decided to shut down for the night and restarted the syncing again in the morning, again the syncing began and then an error message appeared.  However, I glanced down at the task bar and notice a message about my preferences, so I went to see what they were and corrected them to make them the same as my first laptop.

I opened both laptops side by side and opened the BT Cloud in Internet Explorer to see how many files had been synced and not only could see this, but I could also see the the files appearing as they were being transferred from BT Cloud.  At the foot of the screen of my first laptop I could see that it held 20,879 files and on the second laptop I could see the files counting up to the same number of files.  After setting the preferences the syncing ran successfully until it was completed. 

I hope that this is helpful.


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Message 603 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

rorysheridan - further to my Message 602, I forgot to mention what I was syncing. The bulk of the 20,800+ files were large jpg photos files, but I also have some exceedingly large videos and I noticed that when these were syncing, activity appeared to cease, but it hadn't, so having the two laptops alongside each other was a great benefit.
0 Ratings
Message 604 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


The  bulk of what I was backing were photographs as well and like you these were large files. I had a phone call from BT last week and they emailed a fix. My prior problem with the update was it was maxing out the CPU and broadband to a point where my laptop was useless. When I uninstalled the BT Cloud my laptop returned to normal service.

With the fix installed everything seemed great uploading happened in the background and I could work on other things without problem. The next day when I opened up the laptop the same problem arose again regarding the CPU and broadband maxing out. Again when I uninstalled everything worked fine again.

I emailed the BT agent back to tell him about the failure late on Friday 18 December 2020 and hope to here back from him in the coming week. I am interested in any thoughts you have and will share with you any response BT send.



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Message 605 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

jamieandangela - first of all, are you only using one laptop? If so, can you provide me with some details about it, e.g. Model number.
Also can you tell me the Preference setting that you have set in terms of Backup, Syncing and frequency (Continuous, etc.) for the BT Cloud for this laptop.  One other thing that I never mentioned in my previous replies was that files are being synced in parallel i.e. more than one at the same time.


0 Ratings
Message 606 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


Thanks for coming back to me that is really good of you and I greatly appreciate your help. Yes I am using a single laptop it is a Lenovo ideapad 510-15IKB. It is just over 2 years old and runs with an Intel Core i7 7thGeneration, it has DDR4 memory.

My preference settings are Documents, Photos and Desktop. I have it set I think to continuous as I want to back up as I go e.g. new documents and any photos as I save them (sorry about the bold text typing on my Samsung S20 phone and I think I have hit something by accident).

When it was working I saw syncing three photos at a time, they were all at different progress.



0 Ratings
Message 607 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


I should also add, as I keep forgetting about it, a WD My Cloud 3TB, that also backs up photos and documents, it works away in the background with zero impact on my laptop or Broadband. would that cause any issues with the BT CLOUD?

thanks again


0 Ratings
Message 608 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

jamieandangela - there is a strong possibility that your WD Cloud  and BT Cloud are competing for the internet space.  Also, if you are using McAfee's speed-up apps too.  I use a non-continuous WD back up but only via USB.

0 Ratings
Message 609 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


Now doing the same as you with WD.

Reinstalled the BT Cloud it ran OK for 15 minutes then hung up and my problem returned with CPU and Broadband maxing out and rendering my Laptop useless. Uninstall BT cloud and Laptop goes back to normal. 

I have a email away to the BT contact who phoned me and sent me a fix that failed and hope to get a response either today or tomorrow.

From a very frustrated



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Message 610 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud update not working

Before the update BT Cloud worked fine and I never thought about how it was setup, now I'm confused, simple question I hope, you have a backup folder and a sync folder apart from the fact not much seems to be happening which folder should you be working from ? The contents of the folders differ and if I make changes in one it doesn't get changed in the other.

For safety I have my working files in a folder totally separate from BT cloud and I am backing that folder up onto a USB stick.


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