Message 211 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?

I appreciate the help, but I sincerely doubt it. There are GB's worth of files missing from the cloud copy, which should be an exact sync of what's in the local version of the folder.
0 Ratings
Message 212 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?

I appreciate the help, but I sincerely doubt it. There are GB's worth of files missing from the cloud copy, which should be an exact sync of what's in the local version of the folder.

I'm fully aware of this, trust me.

0 Ratings
Message 213 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?

So, just some further evidence on the synchronisation being broken.  I'm currently sat at 11GB of 33GB of data, and the upload to BT cloud seems to have stopped.  The BT Cloud app thinks all files are synced (notice the green arrow), and yet no files have hit the cloud since 17:05 this evening.  Moreover, there is no CPU utilisation, disk or network I/O in relation to the BT Cloud app.  It's seemingly frozen.

I know JTS1 is trying to help, but there's an implication I am doing something wrong.  I'm confident this isn't the case, given I've been using BT cloud for around 2 years, and I also have 30 years of experience in IT.

I think what's important here is that BT understand this isn't working as intended, rather than to think individuals are not using the product correctly.



0 Ratings
Message 214 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?


So, just some further evidence on the synchronisation being broken.  I'm currently sat at 11GB of 33GB of data, and the upload to BT cloud seems to have stopped.  The BT Cloud app thinks all files are synced (notice the green arrow), and yet no files have hit the cloud since 17:05 this evening.  Moreover, there is no CPU utilisation, disk or network I/O in relation to the BT Cloud app.  It's seemingly frozen.

I know JTS1 is trying to help, but there's an implication I am doing something wrong.  I'm confident this isn't the case, given I've been using BT cloud for around 2 years, and I also have 30 years of experience in IT.

I think what's important here is that BT understand this isn't working as intended, rather than to think individuals are not using the product correctly.



Paul, I'm merely trying to show how to find your folders and files, there is no suggestion that you are doing anything wrong.


0 Ratings
Message 215 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?

What is really puzzling me is why so many ppl here are battling to make sync work reliably when, in most cases anyway, it is neither necessary nor even desirable.  After a working life as an accountant one of the basic rules you learn to live by is to only maintain one record for anything.  Maintain two and they will inevitably differ at some point, requiring you to spend totally unproductive time finding out which is correct and why.  In a Windows home network it is a very simple matter to configure one system as a file server and for the rest to become merely terminals.  The BT desktop app then has only to keep a backup of one machine and that works fine apart from delays currently in immediately recognising that some files may have changed.

I really admire the effort and skill some here are putting into this but I seriously doubt the day will ever come when they will be able to just set it and forget it.

0 Ratings
Message 216 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?

There are many reasons why a sync is preferable to a backup, one of them being because it gives one access to files on multiple devices. There are indeed many products, which you can simply "set and forget" and they work perfectly. The older version of BT cloud (around December) worked reasonably well at one point.

0 Ratings
Message 217 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?

My files are not on the cloud JTS1, I know what I'm doing with this product, I do not need any help finding my way around. You are diluting the messages I am trying to provide to the community on my experience with the app.
0 Ratings
Message 218 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?

Against my better judgement I have tried loading the programme again on my desktop.

My Windows 10 system is fully up to date.

The version is 21.2.8, as soon as the process starts it tells me it needs an Edge update, namely Webview2 Runtime. Then subsequently loops on the dialogue telling me it needs Webview2 Runtime, says it has installed it, then says it needs to install etc , stuck in loop.

where is this product  Webview2 Runtime supposed to come from, is it an extension or what ?

seems to be a component of Microsoft 365 which I don’t run.

installation cancelled by me.

It is somewhat ironic that while others debate technical intricacies I cannot even install it.


0 Ratings
Message 219 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?

I'm in the same position as PaulHeyworth - I've been with BT Cloud for years but the new version just doesn't work. My backup is missing over half of the files it should have and the Windows client shows "all files synced'. And to add insult to injury while it's sat there doing f. all it's using 16% CPU! 

I've turned it off as a waste of space / CPU. I run it occasionally in the vain hope that BT with either a) communicate or b) produce a version that works - it's not been 6 months.

Anybody got a good alternative - I'm looking for cloud backup of just short of 1 TByte?

0 Ratings
Message 220 of 304

Re: Backup, Sync or both?

Just checked I do have the Webview2 Runtime installed, I repaired it which was successful. 

Tried to install again, same results stuck  in a loop trying to install Webview2 Runtime etc.

Have made a solemn promise to my PC not to try installing again ever !