BT Cloud downloads my documents and pictures en masse. The problem I have is that both these folders contain sub-folders ( for example my 'pictures ' folder contains the photographs in sub folders named with the year.) All the photos taken in 2008 are in the subfolder named 2008. BT cloud just downloads the photos without putting them in the subfolders so very difficult to find a particular picture among many thousands as they are not stored on the cloud in their original sub folders. Is there a way to get BT cloud to recognisse sub-folders and store the appropriate photos there?
Perhaps if you use the 'All Files' tab rather than the 'Photos and Videos' tab you can download folders and subfolders, retaining structure?
Thanks henryfm. I have not tried that but will give it ago and see what happens. Shame that the BT cloud developers could not have designed it to automatically retain sub folders I cannot be the only one with this issue,