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BT DNS Cache Issues for our company website -


I hope some sensible moderator picks up this message and can feed this  issue further up the food chain and I can get this  issue resolved. 

I am the IT Manager of  Absolute Aesthetics and its parent  company The Whiteley Clinic.  Earlier this week i had a customer contact me as she couldn't access our website

I contacted our web developer who told me she had no problem with accessing the website,  but she had also been contacted by other customers as well saying they couldn't access the website either.  I asked her to check which ISP  they used and all of them use BT. I am currently.  due COVID 19 working from home and  although I do not pay the bill we also  use BT  and with my default network settings I also can't access the website. The default network settings my computers is set to, uses my BT router as  the DNS server. When I change the DNS settings on my computer to Use Google's DNS servers at, the website loads without any issues .  So all  other internet users using any ISP other than BT can access our  website without any issue at all.  Over the last 2 days, I have been getting very frustrated as nobody I have phoned in BT Wholesale or Retail wants to take responsibility for this issue.  At this difficult time we are losing a lot of potential business,  as any BT  internet customers with default network settings can't access our  Business website , So please can someone investigate and escalate this issue to the relevant department in your organisation.   It would seem this is not an Isolated incident of BT DNS Servers causing grief for business websites either

With Kind Regards 

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