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Message 1 of 2

BT Disc and Rpi Cluster Ethernet Switch

I want to build a RaspberryPi cluster to use as a NAS. This requires the use of an ethernet switch. I do not have access to my internet connection’s ethernet port, it’s located in my landlords’ home. I only have the BT Wifi Disc. It does have an ethernet port on the back but I assume its to be used on the main ethernet connection to connect the actual disc to the service. Is there any chance I can connect the ethernet switch in the cluster to the disc and run the operation from the disc itself’s wifi? 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: BT Disc and Rpi Cluster Ethernet Switch


Yes, you can connect an Ethernet switch to your black BT Wifi disc, as that should be connected via wireless, to your landlord`s BT Smart Hub 2.

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