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Message 1 of 4

BT FTTP installation in Milton Keynes

Hi, I have a choice of CityFibre or BT for FTTP. My property is just over 20 years old and is on the BT cable TV network so I have a service box that has a duct with the TV coax and BT line. 

I know that Cityfibre will have to dig up my driveway to install their fibre but I can't find out if BT will just use the existing duct or do the same. The Vodafone service on Cityfiber is faster and cheaper but i really don't want them to make a mess installing it. The job they did in the pavements locally is a disgrace. 

Does anyone know what BT /Openreach would do?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: BT FTTP installation in Milton Keynes

They would use their existing duct. Providing it’s not blocked, then they’d dig to clear the blockage.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: BT FTTP installation in Milton Keynes

Exactly as @Starwire says. I had FTTP installed in MK back in 2010 (ish)

My house was circa 2001, and the ducts were restricted, but the engineer was able to force the fibre through. To be fair I lived in MK for more than 30 years across four properties and never had to deal with a 'pole', everything was ducted, probably thanks in part to MK's early foray into cable TV.

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Message 4 of 4

Re: BT FTTP installation in Milton Keynes

I have a property in Milton Keynes with coax and telephone line entering via ducting but BT apparently unable to supply FTTP. This seems madness but I'm not able to query this with anyone who understands why this is the case.


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