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Message 1 of 3

BT IP picked up by Netflix as VPN/proxy

I was comparing Netflix content on my BT connected Telly and PS5, to my EE connected phone  as something was off. Noticed how if on BT it was missing certain catalog content but on the phone EE it was fine. E.g nephew watches Booba which I couldn't find. Therefore part of the catalog, presume UK ones were blocked, despite myself not using a VPN. I then found this.

Rebooted Router to get different IP and it worked ok. Have any of you observed this behaviour? May need to go down the static IP route. Happened to myself twice. 

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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT IP picked up by Netflix as VPN/proxy

@Saf1 wrote:

May need to go down the static IP route. 

You'll need to get a business account or change provider to do that. BT don't offer static IPs to residential customers.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: BT IP picked up by Netflix as VPN/proxy

Incredibly frustrating, will need to assess my options. If anyone else has this and got a working solution/method which doesn't involve rebooting router let me know 

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