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Message 11 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

Me considering it a problem or not is totally irrelevant. 

When I FACTORY RESET a device I don't expect it to withheld any of my information locally or externally.

I agree it may not be a general problem that everyone has issues with but I guarantee I'm not the only one as I've seen numerous posts with simular problems.

0 Ratings
Message 12 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

This issue is literally impossible to resolve now.

I honestly think bt are using their 172.16 address range (private) to help with the ipv4 problem. 172.16 is a private ip range so uses NAT which results in me having a double NAT. 

This is the only reason my port forwarding , dmz and upnp never works.

I've contacted bt and they aren't being very helpful to say the least.

I feel like ofcom is the only route forward now as this is far from acceptable. 

0 Ratings
Message 13 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

Your public IP address is not in the 172.16 range, the gateway is. You are not double natting.

0 Ratings
Message 14 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

The default gateway uses NAT

0 Ratings
Message 15 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

Sigh, incoming connections don't use the gateway address, they use your public IP address.

The 172.16 address is the BT BRAS


0 Ratings
Message 16 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

When doing an IP trace it shows my public IP 2 miles away from my house. Whilst my default gateway is on my doorstep. 


0 Ratings
Message 17 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

Will tell you what your IP address is, it will be the same as your Broadband IP address shown on your hub.

public ip.jpg

0 Ratings
Message 18 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

Yeah it was the same when I checked in the past.

So whats stopping bt issuing public ip addresses to everyone then having all these BT BRAS on the edge of their network which have private addresses. Which on essence creates a double NAT anyway? Maybe not on inbound connections but outbound?

0 Ratings
Message 19 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

BT does issue public IP addresses to everybody.

It doesn't create a double NAT, it is just the first hop from your router.

Trust me, none of this has any relevance to your problem.

0 Ratings
Message 20 of 25

Re: BT doesn't support port forwarding

I honestly think it does.

What else would prevent me using port forwarding and upnp effectively.

I've even tried the W9980 router with same result.

The 172.16 subnet is a private address so its not even connected to the WAN at this point.

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