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Message 1 of 7

Box Pro not showing TV channel after waking up

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Hi, I've noticed quite a few times that when we turn the Box Pro on in the morning to watch TV, nothing is displayed. We need to change channel back and forth. I would expect it to show the channel we left it on from the night before, generally BBC1.

I wonder if this is after it's been in SMART power mode over night as I don't see the behaviour during the day.


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Message 2 of 7

Re: Box Pro not showing TV channel after waking up

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Hi  You are not alone we have the same problem.  My wife goes mad.  Hope someone in BT is looking at these issues as I have already posted one about locking up and not recording full programme  Malcolm

Message 3 of 7

Re: Box Pro not showing TV channel after waking up

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Having the same issues here too with no channels showing in the morning. A reboot normally sorts it. Also had a few recordings fail overnight too whilst in SMART mode.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: Box Pro not showing TV channel after waking up

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Seems to have settled down now except has now decided to bring up the you view screen in the middle of playing a recording .   This box seems to have a lot of issues that should have been resolved in the trial which I presumed they had.   Disappointed and hoping someone from BT is noting and upgrades to the software will follow.  Malcolm

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Box Pro not showing TV channel after waking up

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This wake-up issue is so annoying. 

@BT is this a known issue that will be fixed?


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Message 6 of 7

Re: Box Pro not showing TV channel after waking up

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Hi   I have sent a detailed email to BT executive customer support and listed all problems with Pro box, not waking up, recordings ending early,  you view screen appearing whilst playing a recording,  removal of sub title button from remote (I am deaf) and Now TV sub titles not compatible with BT box.   I also added problems with digital voice as I am now on full fibre.   Had a very long conversation with BT and it was agreed all know issues and will be dealt with in due course but no dates as many of them whilst being known issues dont happen regularly enough to enough people to warrant action but they are monitored.    Again we are in the number game rather than if a known issue even if only to some it should be fixed.   The message is for us to report to BT any issues so they get an accurate picture of the situations.  Overall though still happy with the box although cannot say that about my wife who as she says often is all I want to do is switch the TV on and get a picture.  I am sure her sentiment is shared by many others.   Come on BT if you know you have an issue then fix it.   Thats how you get customers and keep customers.   Malcolm

Message 7 of 7

Re: Box Pro not showing TV channel after waking up

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This issue appears to be fixed following the latest update. 

I wish BT/You view would provide release notes!

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