Message 1 of 3

Broadband speeds


I have just signed up for broadband but have been told I am only able to receive 5-10mbps download.

It’s a rented property that we are yet to move into and part of a short row of terraces. The landlord lives down stairs and receives up to 40mbps with BT and the previous tenant, also  with BT received around 40mbps. Please see the quote below:

“When he was with BT he had a "FTTC" service (Fibre To The Cabinet). That is, the fibre goes to the cabinet in the road, then a more conventional electrical connection comes to the house. (It's not as fast as FTTP (Fibre To The Premises), but it's much faster than standard ADSL.’

‘His FTTC speed with BT (Infinity) was around 40Mbps (download). It would seem logical that BT could supply you with something similar without significant delay; I assume it's just a case of sending an engineer to fiddle with the cabinet in the street. Or even just flipping a switch at an exchange?”
Please can you look into why I am repeatedly told that I will have to wait for an upgrade when the same property has had better service in the past?
Many thanks,
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Message 2 of 3

Re: Broadband speeds

Sounds like you are getting ADSL as there are no spare ports for VDSL which you have to wait for the cab to be upgraded.

When the previous tennant left the port he was supplied from would have been allocated to the nexr person to order.

You can check here with phone number or use address checker. https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL 

If the cab is full it will have waiting list for VDSL services.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Broadband speeds

Yes that’s what we’re told. Thanks very much 😀

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