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Message 11 of 17

Re: DNS server not responding after introducing a TP link

Classic symptoms of another DHCP server being introduced on the network. Your devices will refresh their IP configuration every 24 hours - when attempting to refresh, another device could have replied that doesn't itself have internet access.
You say your son is also using an extender to boost signal in his cabin - is there any chance he's plugged a router into his end? Possibly to use it as a switch? Maybe an old BT Hub? If so, it needs to be configured to turn off the DHCP server.
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Message 12 of 17

Re: DNS server not responding after introducing a TP link

Hi thanks for your reply. No nothing plugged in at the cabin end, apart from the extender -that one will be purely used as a wireless wifi booster because it’s quite far down the garden and he doesn’t always get great signal. So I have the BT hub in the lounge, plugged into this via Ethernet is the first TP adapter, in the cabin we have one TP extender (nothing else) and upstairs we have the other TP extender which then plugs into my cctv DVR box via Ethernet. When I introduced the TP link I plugged everything in, linked both extenders using WPS and everything just started working. I didn’t have to change any settings or configure anything. No problems until (like you said) about 24 hours later. Can you advise any further please? For now I’ve had to unplug all the TP stuff to get my PC and Sky Q connected back to the internet. I should add that if you give me any instructions, I will need it described  really basic terms LOL 🐵

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Message 13 of 17

Re: DNS server not responding after introducing a TP link

OK, so you have a few variables introduced at the same time. The best thing you can do is test one part at a time.
You say that your PC fails to access the internet when this problem is present, so let's use that as the test. I'm going to assume your PC is running Windows, so tap the start button in the bottom left of your screen and start typing on your keyboard:

command prompt

You'll see a black rectangle app icon, and an app called "Command Prompt" - select it.  In the black box that appears type the following command and hit enter:

ipconfig /renew

You'll see a bunch of text appear - you can ignore it for now.

After each test, run the above command and then try to access the internet from your browser on that PC as normal.

My recommended order of events would be:

1. Plug everything in - i.e. the situation that normally breaks it.  Wait for the TP-Link to connect, then run the above command and see if the internet is broken.  If it is, then continue with step 2 - otherwise, my idea is blown, and we need a new plan.

2. Unplug everything to put it back to working state again, and run the above commands to confirm it's working.

3. Plug in just the TP-Link master device near your hub, wait a minute for it to boot, then test.

4. Plug in the extender you're using for CCTV, but don't connect the CCTV to it.  Wait a minute for it to boot and connect, then test.

5. Plug the CCTV into the extender, and test - confirm that both the PC and CCTV are working.

6. Plug in the cabin extender. Wait a minute for it to boot and connect, then test.

If it still hasn't failed at this point and there are any other devices that you're also connecting, add them one at a time before testing.

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Message 14 of 17

Re: DNS server not responding after introducing a TP link


Hi thanks for your reply. No nothing plugged in at the cabin end, apart from the extender -that one will be purely used as a wireless wifi booster because it’s quite far down the garden 

You make it sound like an extremely large garden, is it in excess of 300M? if so you're wasting your time

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Message 15 of 17

Re: DNS server not responding after introducing a TP link

The garden is 120ft so any devices used down there are about 150ft from the hub, which is at the front of the house. We also have a BT disk by the back door. Sometimes the wifi reaches the cabin and sometimes it doesn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Message 16 of 17

Re: DNS server not responding after introducing a TP link

Thanks so much, I will give all that a try, I have to wait to late afternoon as my children are homeschooling on live lessons so I can’t keep messing with the internet during the day. So because it worked fine for the first 24 hours, should I run these tests straight away or wait until the problem occurs again? If I pair all the TP stuff up again now I reckon there’s a chance it might work fine again for the first 24 hours. Thanks

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Message 17 of 17

Re: DNS server not responding after introducing a TP link

The commands I gave to run on your PC should cause the issue to happen straight away rather than take 24 hours. Try step 1 and after running those commands it should fail straight away. If it doesn't, then there's something else at play.
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