Message 1 of 2

DTRT2100 recoring issues

We have an oldish Youview box, DTRT2100 running upto date software, recently all our scheduled recordings have just vanished. If you then re add them as series record they still vanish either before the recording is due or next time you look its just not there any more so not sure on the timescale but were talking things like Emerdale etc so regular recordings

I'm loathed to reset it as we have lots of recodings there (52% free though) but is this our only option?

Usually we have 6 or 7 things in the schedule but for the last few weeks its blank each time i check and weve missed a few things now because of it

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Message 2 of 2

Re: DTRT2100 recoring issues


A maintenance mode reset using options 2 and/or 4 - both keep your recordings - might resolve the issue. Look here for the instructions.

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