Message 1 of 14

Digital Voice Upgrade

This is the first time I have posted to this forum so please bear with me.

A few weeks ago I decided to apply for the Full Fibre upgrade which included Digital Voice. When the SH2 was delivered I managed to get everything up and running with an hour and all worked fine including my landline.

Last week the engineer visited to complete the Full Fibre upgrade. Since then  I have been unable to make or receive calls via my landline. The most urgent are missed calls from my GP who has been trying to contact me about a medical problem which requires a telephone consultation.

The engineer did not bother to check the phone when he carried out the Full Fibre upgrade and gave me the impression that he was in a rush to get the job done as soon as possible. The Full Fibre Broadband is working and I am impressed with the very fast speeds . However I had to carry out two factory resets on my BT View box in order to be able to receive programmes.

The worrying thing is that at no stage did BT ever offered me an adaptor to allow my exisiting phone to connect to my SH2 or one of the new handsets. The end result is that I have been unable to make or receive calls for nearly a week.

I contacted BT to raise a fault which is still unresolved ( the target date according to the website to resolve this is 5/7/21). This morning (via my mobile) I spoke to a very helpful lady who explained that I should have been offered either an adaptor for my old handset or one of the new models of handsets as part of the upgrade.  She has arranged for the Essential x2 Handset pack to be sent to me which I am hoping resolves the problem.

Has anyone else experienced problems similar to this ? 

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Message 2 of 14

Re: Digital Voice Upgrade


Have you plugged your phone into the phone socket on the BT Smart Hub 2, its shown in green on this picture, and may have a sticker over it?


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Message 3 of 14

Re: Digital Voice Upgrade

Yes and I have rebooted the SH2 and followed the other suggested steps but the problem still exists. I received two Essential Digital handsets this morning which I will try and connect to see if this fixes the problem.

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Message 4 of 14

Re: Digital Voice Upgrade

Further to previous posts. I have now installed the 2 Digital Homephones and while I now seem to be able to make calls,  I cannot receive any incoming ones. The new phones registered with the hub fairly easilly

Three relatives who I asked to call me as a test could not get through and e-mailed me or phoned on my mobile to say that all they get is a loud howling sound when they dial my number.  Weird thing is I tried calling my number from my mobile a few times and sometimes it gets through , sometimes it does not.

This fault is now estimated to be resolved on 8th July meaning I have been unable to receive any incoming calls since 28.6.21. Appalling service and the complaint I logged with BT also seems to have disappeared from the on-line log without being answered.

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Message 5 of 14

Re: Digital Voice Upgrade

Latest position. Fault is still outstanding unable to receive incoming calls and the target date to resolve it is now 14th July. Brilliant service (not!!!!).

One consolation I do not appear to be alone as my sister who lives a few miles away has an almost identical problem but is with Virgin Media.

Still at least my mobile phone which is not BT is working.

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Message 6 of 14

Re: Digital Voice Upgrade

Went through all of this last year when full fibre was installed. Talked to lots of people who had no idea what they were talking about. Found the fault originally an hour after the engineer left. Called him and he advised to put the original plate back on the wall mount. That got the cordless Panasonics working once I realised the base unit had to be plugged in and not an individual phone. I also did not get the "freebie" phone but with all the problems that followed I now have five "deluxe" VOIP phones and five Panasonics. They were all working until 21 June when it all went down again - for about the third time. Promised today it will be fixed after five working days. Unfortunately, I have heard all this before. One thing to remember that when it all goes down the VOIP phones are "wiped". In other words all the directory names and numbers are gone and require re-installation - I no longer bother. It did take quite some time to get it all working and required an engineer visit but unfortunately, and as nice as he was, he was a copper specialist and did not have a clue about fibre. Good luck but don't hold your breath!

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Message 7 of 14

Re: Digital Voice Upgrade

Hi @CaptainT 

If you access your Hub Manager ( in your browser) and click on your phone number, then click on the Contacts Tab and you'll be able to export/import your contacts as a file for your VOIP handsets.

You just need to remember to export every time you add/delete a contacts, then if they are wiped again your contacts can easily be restored in a few seconds.

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Message 8 of 14

Re: Digital Voice Upgrade

Thanks for that Andy. I'll give it a go once it's all working again.

The VOIP phones do have one negative compared to my old Panasonics (which do not lose the contacts) is that when a call comes in the phone number shows on the phone but even if in the Contacts it goes not give the name - just the number. The Panasonics on the other hand not only give the name on the screen but also announce it. Very handy when deciding if you want to take the call!

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Message 9 of 14

Re: Digital Voice Upgrade


Thanks for that Andy. I'll give it a go once it's all working again.

The VOIP phones do have one negative compared to my old Panasonics (which do not lose the contacts) is that when a call comes in the phone number shows on the phone but even if in the Contacts it goes not give the name - just the number. The Panasonics on the other hand not only give the name on the screen but also announce it. Very handy when deciding if you want to take the call!

That's odd, mine show the name of the contact, yours should too.

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Message 10 of 14

Re: Digital Voice Upgrade

Interesting! Is iy an automatic function or is there somewhere to switch it on?

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