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Message 1 of 17

Does my profile need to be reset??

I’ve had issues with dropped connections and after months of phone calls and openreach engineers, I finally got an engineer that capped my speeds at a maximum of 55.00mbps and 10.00mbps. However when I log into BT hub website it’s showing the exact same speeds he set it at. Should it be different as on BT fibre 1 package of 50mbps max download and 10mbps max upload. When I’m on Ethernet I’m getting the full 55 which is 5mbps over the package maximum

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Message 2 of 17

Re: Does my profile need to be reset??

Fibre 1 is 55 mbps down and 10 mbps maximum (depending on your line and distance from the PCP), so if that's the speed you have then there's no issue, any faster would be Fibre 2 which is 80 mbps down and 20 mbps (depending on your line and distance from the PCP)

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Message 3 of 17

Re: Does my profile need to be reset??


Hi, not it’s definitely a maximum of 50mbps on fibre 1. 

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Message 4 of 17

Re: Does my profile need to be reset??


That is just an estimated range you should get with your connection and from what you have posted you are getting better with 55/10mb which as @-Richie-  is the mas connection speed for infinity 1

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Message 5 of 17

Re: Does my profile need to be reset??

No an openreach engineer capped it at 55.00 and 10.00 when I was on fibre 2 as my line couldn’t handle anything faster without constant dropouts. When I first joined BT fibre 1 it was at 49999 or something along them lines I can’t remember to be honest but wasn’t definitely 55.00 and 10.00 bang on. 

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Message 6 of 17

Re: Does my profile need to be reset??

A few years back when Fibre 1 was called Infinity 1, the speed was 40 mbps down and 10 mbps upload, then Openreach released a new SLT with 55/10, so now Fibre 1 is 55/10 and BT gave all Infinity 1 customers a free speed boost to 55/10.
Fibre Essential now used 40/10 and Fibre 2 is still 80/20


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Message 7 of 17

Re: Does my profile need to be reset??

Well you are lucky to get a speed faster than exexpected but posted twice 55/10mb is max speed for fibre 1

enter your phone number and post results. Let's see what estimated range actually is

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Message 8 of 17

Re: Does my profile need to be reset??

Let me get this right. You say an OR engineer capped your speeds at 55/10 and you are complaining you are getting 55/10?

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Message 9 of 17

Re: Does my profile need to be reset??

No I’m not complaining about being capped at 55.00 and 10.00 bang on but trying to figure out if my profile needs resetting as my BB keeps dropping out. 

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Message 10 of 17

Re: Does my profile need to be reset??

Might have been a good idea to lead with that. Check for noise on your line. 17070 option 2, best with corded phone.

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