I thought I did. I said about issues with dropped connections and what the openreach guy done to my line at capping it. When I downgraded my line didn’t reset like it should of done.
would of uploaded sooner but BB keeps dropping out. Like now and 3 times a few minutes ago. Resulted to phone 4G
I would certainly do quiet line test from the test socket with a filter to see if there is noise on your line causing the drops
post hub stats
not sure if this is what you’re looking for
dropped again a few minutes ago and is changing the Downstream Sync Speed, network up time resets but the system uptime doesn’t
You don't need a profile reset, you need the fault fixing.
Trust me I know 😭 I’ve had over 5 engineers come out in the last month maybe 2 and all said the same thing, no fault found. Only thing they have said is my line is aluminium and could do with replacing.