Message 1 of 8

Error message

Hi all


I'm hoping someone can help. I have seen that multiple people have had the same issue I am currently having but I believe moderators assisted with resolving.

For the last 3 days I have been unable to connect to my broadband on any device. I get error message from BT Wholesale as attached below. BT have tested my line, which is apparently working correctly, and sent us out a new Hub in case that was the issue. The issue persists with the new hub. 


An engineer can't visit for 4 days and I would greatly appreciate some help in the mean time!

Thanks in advance.


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Message 2 of 8

Re: Error message

Hi @kdalgado 

Welcome to the Community and thanks for your post!

I'm sorry that you're getting the BT Wholesale landing page when trying to surf the web.  I've seen this before and to be honest, this will need an engineer to go out and resolve the issue.  I completely understand the disappointment that it is going to take a few days for an engineer to get out to you and I am very sorry about that.

Please keep us updated with how the repair goes.



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Message 3 of 8

Re: Error message


Its worth checking that you do not have a crossed line.

Dial 17070 with your landline phone, and make sure that the phone number that is read out, matches your phone number.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Error message

Thanks a lot for your reply @RobbieMac . Unfortunately our engineer didn’t attend today and we’re really struggling to get an answer from BT as to why not or what’s happening here.

We’ve spoken to 6 advisers now over 7 days and are no closer to a solution - each adviser we speak to has a different opinion as to whether it’s an Openreach fault or a Wholesale fault - and both were supposedly booked to investigate and didn’t turn up (Openreach last Wednesday and Wholesale today). 

We’re making a formal complaint but that isn’t helping us resolve the issue in the meantime!

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Error message

Thanks @Keith_Beddoe - this would be a good time to actually have a landline but unfortunately we’ve never used it nor do we have an actual telephone!! 

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Error message

@kdalgado wrote:

Thanks @Keith_Beddoe - this would be a good time to actually have a landline but unfortunately we’ve never used it nor do we have an actual telephone!! 

You can get a cheap wired phone for less than £10. Useful in an emergency.

A crossed line would result in you being connected to the wrong place in the cabinet, and to a port which is not configured. It would not show up on a line test, it needs a phone plugged in to prove it.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Error message

Thanks @Keith_Beddoe  I will order one. I'm on the phone to BT as we speak so will suggest this - other residents in our building said they had a similar issue (an engineer attended to fix one flat's connection and unplugged/changed the connection for another's). Which wouldn't be the end of the world if we could just get an engineer out!

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Message 8 of 8

Re: Error message

It would always come in handy.

Sometimes people do not realise they have a crossed line until they receive a large phone bill, due to someone else making calls on their line.


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