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Message 11 of 18

Re: FTTP High Ping 0f 30 but still good speeds

@j0hn83  You do realise even a simple ping request still has to traverse the ISP's routing?

0 Ratings
Message 12 of 18

Re: FTTP High Ping 0f 30 but still good speeds

No, it doesn't necessarily.

As i mentioned in my previous post servers can be WITHIN the ISP's network.

Everything i ping on my Virgin line has a minimum 20ms latency to the internet.

If i run a test it gets as low as 7ms to the Edinburgh Test server.
Here's 1 i just did at 9ms

Can you use that Virgin test server in Edinburgh?
No, it's within their network, only Virgin customers can, and the ping didn't traverse their routing at all unless Virgin can break the speed of light.

BT might not but many many ISP's do this with servers.
That's why i specifically said can be deceptive with pings times.
Thanks though.
0 Ratings
Message 13 of 18

Re: FTTP High Ping 0f 30 but still good speeds

If you say so.

0 Ratings
Message 14 of 18

Re: FTTP High Ping 0f 30 but still good speeds

@j0hn83 Fair point I couldn't select that server as I am from Belfast but was able to select one in London and got 16 milliseconds via the hard line

PS I should have mentioned I am no longer with Virgin, I am not with bt ultra fast 900 mb package



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Message 15 of 18

Re: FTTP High Ping 0f 30 but still good speeds

@pippincp BBc is getting 16 ms which is not bad I guess I am using google dns for my pc




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Message 16 of 18

Re: FTTP High Ping 0f 30 but still good speeds

@j0hn83  Hi jon thanks for your reply i retested with a server in lodon and its 16 ms so cant complain I am from Belfast a small town outside it 10 mile im on full Fiber to the home Ultra Fast 

This server I get anywhere between 13 ms and 20 so it seems to be better on that server no im greatfull of your data.




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Message 17 of 18

Re: FTTP High Ping 0f 30 but still good speeds

13ms from Belfast is excellent!!

I usually get 14ms on the outskirts of Edinburgh, with 13.2ms being the lowest ping I've ever seen.

I run a Broadband Quality Monitor (BQM/Ping monitor) on my line to constantly monitor the latency.


I don't think the any of the BT Hubs work with the ping monitors as they don't reply to unsolicited icmp pings.


BT FTTP has the lowest latency (and jitter) of any connection I've had.

Excellent for VOIP calls, video conferencing and of course gaming.

0 Ratings
Message 18 of 18

Re: FTTP High Ping 0f 30 but still good speeds

@j0hn83 @Agreeed it’s fanatic just worried will it suffere under load or will that line only ever have me on ur. 

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