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Message 1 of 24

Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade

Regrade from fibre 1 to fibre 2 supposed to be completed yesterday but as yet I have exactly the same speeds as before.

47 down/ 12 up although yesterday it was 9 up. 

Just spoken to advisor's and they say my regrade has definitely happened and those are my speeds on Fibre 2 and that it is not a necessarily a higher speed package!

Something is not right

Could somebody please answer why I have the same speed when the loyalty team sold me a different package without letting me know it wouldn't make a difference!

Ill try post my stats below maybe somebody could help





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Message 2 of 24

Re: Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade

if you could only get 47/12 on fibre 1 then upgrading to fibre 2 will not increase your speed  the upgrade just removes the 55mb cap and moves it to 80mb

enter phone number and post results

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Message 3 of 24

Re: Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade

You have definitely been upgraded as you are now getting 12M up, however, if you were only getting 47M down with fibre 1 that is all you will get with fibre 2. All the upgrade does is remove an artificial cap to your speed. If your speed was previously below the cap, removing it will have no effect.

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Message 4 of 24

Re: Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade

So the BT loyalty team sold me a different package knowing I couldn't achieve any higher speed? 

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Message 5 of 24

Re: Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade


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Message 6 of 24

Re: Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade



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Message 7 of 24

Re: Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade

Hi @Peekster1978,

Did the loyalty team tell you that you would get better download speeds?

Sometimes loyalty has better deals on Fiber2 than Fibre1 so the customer saves money by going onto Fibre2 compared to the offer available at that time for Fibre1.  Same goes with Halo it can sometimes be cheaper to take a package with Halo than one that is without it.


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Message 8 of 24

Re: Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade

Yeah Its becoming apparent this has happened. 

I'm clearly a bit numb and should have researched this as I thought when she said regrade to fibre2 with speeds of up to 70mb or so she actually meant I would be able to achieve these as she could see my present speeds and she worked for BT.

Lesson learnt


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Message 9 of 24

Re: Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade

According to the estimator you could be get better than you are , 58-79Mb on a non impacted line, perhaps it’s a fault or issue you have responsibility for, that’s causing the ( relatively) poor sync rate.
Post your router stats , what have you done to check your setup is as good as it can be, for example have you tried the router direct in the master socket test port ( thus eliminating any internal extension wiring and sockets ? )

you may want to edit your phone number from the image

Message 10 of 24

Re: Fibre 1 to Fibre 2 Regrade

I've not previously checked due to being on fibe1 and getting about 45mb down but I will now. 


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