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Message 1 of 3

Fibre 2 - Fault fixed but now have reduced speeds

Having enjoyed good service for many moons, with download speeds 66 -70+Mbps, we started having intermittent problems. BT said they could see line drop-outs and arranged an engineer visit yesterday. Problems were found on the line, a port was swopped at the exchange and a DLM reset was done. The line is now said to be working with no evidence of any faults but speeds are now significantly less than before. The Smart Hub 2 was previously syncing at up to 79 and now at 58.8. The engineer could not find any reason why the service would not perform as well as before the fault. i.e. with d/l speed up to and occasionally above 70Mbps.

I called BT to see why the line speed would now be reduced to around 52Mbps. Though agreeing we were getting 70Mbps download speeds prior to the fault and that they could now see no problem on the connection they had no explanation as to why the connection was not performing as well as before the fault. While understanding why I would be ‘disappointed’ they were not prepared to investigate further unless the speed fell below the minimum guaranteed speed of 45Mbps.  In fairness, after a manger was consulted, a new Smart Hub 2 is being dispatched but it sounded like this may be more of a gesture than something which could be expected to restore performance to its previous standard.  I’d much like to understand why the service is inferior to before and would welcome any thoughts as to why this could be; what could be done to restore the service to the previous standard and what Downstream Handback Threshold (Mbps) means in the screenshot.

BroadbandAvailChecker2021-04-29 at 17.37.21 copy.png

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Fibre 2 - Fault fixed but now have reduced speeds

If you have had a DLM reset then your would have lost G.INP which boosts your connection speed and lowers noise margin to about 3db  you need to maintain a stable connection and DLM should activate G.INP in7/10days giving speed boost

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Fibre 2 - Fault fixed but now have reduced speeds

Ah, thanks for the speedy reply. That's great!  Can you tell me what  "Downstream Handback Threshold (Mbps)" means and on the day ,the OR engineer referred to "...a legacy VDSL"  any thoughts on that?

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