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Message 1 of 30

Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

I have recently switched from Sky Fibre to full FTTP 900.  I have to say so far it has been awful.  I seem to drop the majority of the speed through the daytime where even streaming youtube is struggling.  Then at night it seems fine.  Speed wise I was faster with Sky.  Hate to say throttling but I cant think of anything else.

Plex and Emby streaming is almost a joke at times as are FTP speeds.

That is not the end of the issues, the wifi is also worse, I have been unable to connect most of my smart devices and those that are connected drop out frequently.  2 of these are connected via ethernet (hive and surepet cat flap), catflap being the hardest hit (despite never disconnecting prior to BT).  All alexa devices seem to play the hokey kokey.

I am now concerned this may be the norm, working from home just now so had expected a better product than what I had before.   I understand that wifi will never see amazing speeds but expected at least better speeds.

Wifi coverage has also taken a hit, have tried putting the disc in different rooms but its still poorer than before.

Can someone advise the best way to take this forward and the possibility on getting an extention on the cooling off period. 

I noticed today when I log into the roter and try to run a speed test that I have a fault message :

You've already reported a fault with your broadband. You can track the progress of this fault online.

Date raised Sep 10, 2020
Product Broadband
Reference VOL053-***********

Is this an automated thing because I havent raised a fault (I dont know how to)?

To make it more frustrating I was billed today.

Thanks for any advice.

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Message 2 of 30

Re: Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

What Router are you using?


I am on the same package and although I was not seeing the same issues as you I read enough horror stories to know that there was an issue with the Smart Hub 2 and the 900 FTTP. 

I bought an ASUS Router and have not looked back.

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Message 3 of 30

Re: Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

I read a few people saying that they have bought alternative routers.  Thats a bit poor if BT are issuing equipment that isnt up to the job.  Any chance you can let me know what exact router it was?  Did it improve the wifi?  BT should be paying for this stuff!

Also on another note BT dont provide you with the account billing id number, yet you get pestered with emails telling you to link the billing account.  I had to call up and request it and they dont give it over the phone or via email only old school letter, so that takes almost a week to arrive.  Without that you cant access the speed tests etc, had i not requested the number I have no idea how i would have gotten it.

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Message 4 of 30

Re: Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

ASUS RT-AC86U ‘AC2900’. Currently £158 from PC World or Amazon. 

Its not cheap and there is loads of other makes & models out there, but this one seems to get singled out as one of the most reliable routers on the market. 

It also took me less than 5 minutes to set it up. 

The wifi is definitely stronger, not blow your mind stronger, but you will see an improvement.  I had 3 complete wifi discs which are now in a drawer (you can’t use them with the ASUS anyway, but I don't really need then anymore). 

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Message 5 of 30

Re: Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

Thansk for the info, ill look into that, perhaps once the wife calms down over spending more on something that is worse (current wifi and internet situation).  It is poor though to have to spend more money on equipment.

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Message 6 of 30

Re: Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

Day 2 of no internet at all.  Just when you think speeds cant get worse you get nada up and nada down.  Switch to full fibre they said.....great for home working they said.....fastest speeds in the land they said......... 😞

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Message 7 of 30

Re: Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

If you have no internet at all then there is an issue with either the wiring, the ONT (modem) or the router. 

Or... it’s all three. 

Ask BT for an engineer to check the wiring and fit a new ONT.  

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Message 8 of 30

Re: Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

Hi, thanks for responding.

The chap i spoke to on the phone said that the issue is definately outside the house.  I had to send on an image of the box on the wall.  I requested someone comes out but he said that wasnt possible????  Immediately passed the buck to openreach who apparently told him they would be out this afternoon.  No one has been near as of yet and would be amazed if anyone did come out (actually now starting to think I was being BS'd).  I will be expecting a call back from BT tomorrow and at this point I have very little hope of any resolution this week and likely  next week too.  Billed 79bucks then within hours I lose all services.  Told there would be no compensation, because I didnt pay for the premium add on im stuffed.  Why would you pay for the highest grade package that they say is 100% online and then pay for an add on should it go down.  I stupidly thought it was reliable.  Working from home is a challenge to say the least.

On the flimsy wall box there is a red light at LOS, green power and green LAN, the other light isnt on at all.  Router was flashing purple but is now red.  Because of this I was told a BT engineer is not required.  Almost an hour on the phone  when I should be working.  I cant fault how polite the guys I spoke too were.

When it was installed the box was put on the wall, big hole left in the wall where the wire comes in the house (not even a bit of silicone), wires were stapled to the skirts (poorly).  Lights came on the router and the guy said thats it, told me speeds would likely be a lot less due to firmware and then left.  No tests, certainly not in the house.   I was then left to set everything else up (phones and useless disc).  So perhaps it was never installed correctly ?

I am at a total loss and my cooling off period expires tommorow.

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Message 9 of 30

Re: Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

If its a full ‘Loss of Service’ then the ONT is either faulty or the fibre optic cable was not terminated properly in its connector. 

I watched the engineer do mine like a hawk and he used some special machine that heat welded the cable and the connector together and had a screen on it to test the optical connection was good. 

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Message 10 of 30

Re: Fibre 900 daily slow speeds and connection issues

I didnt see any special equipment and was in the room while he fitted it (all be it mostly with back to me so unsure).

I called up again (just off the phone).  It now gets interesting.  I got through to the same department as yesterday.  So initially on my first call the chat I spoke to put me on hold while he called openreach for an update, that was when he could tell me that they would be out today.  Spoke to a lady today who confirmed she has the same role exactly and works in the same department , job description etc.  She said there is now was or means of calling openreach.  So one of them are telling lies.  I highlighted my concerns and requested that a BT engineer get booked in the very likely chance that I need one.  She told me that was not possible as she does not have access to the system to book one, only open reach could book one.  I was however offered the chance to upgrade so so i could get a router to get me back online, at a further cost of course and contracted for 18 month!

I have however been told that after 48 hours I get £8 a day "Good Will Gesture" which has been agreed by ofcom.  Now ofcom dont agree good will gestures they set the compensation minimum limit so how in the blue sky is that "Good Will". 

I can see this being a saga of more lies and whitewash before I get some internet.  10+ years with sky and never an issue, not even 10 days with BT and a complete nightmare.

Almost lost the plot last night when I realised I cant watch TV in the other room because its connected via Sky Q and cos no net, no telly.  

I also asked the lady to send me the contact information for the CEO (preferably their email) she said she would do that.  What I got was an email with the link on how to make a complaint.  I really hope that this lady was exceptionally bad at her job and that not all are alike.  Up until that call I actually had some hope.  There no need to bare faced lie, if you dont know or dont know how to do somethin or even new at the job and havent been fully trained then admit that and seek help, but dont lie to customers. 

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