I’m using all the usuals...
Wired connection into hub
Gig lan card, Cat5e
Tested with different laptop and cable
fast.com/Speedtest.net/Google speed test
Disconnect everything from the router
Reboot hub and the fibre converter device thingy
Engineers showed me it getting 960Mbps
What am I doing wrong?
The gigabit LAN card is the theoretical maximum speed it can support. There's so much hardware within a PC that can cause bottle necks and restrict data transfer rates. This can be caused by processor speed, harddrive speed, memory speed etc etc.
My wifes laptop has a Bluetooth WiFi dongle that supports up to 100mbps. In theory she should get the full speed but in reality she gets a 10th of this because the rest of her laptop is utter rubbish and can push the data around quick enough...
Meh, thanks for your reply but I don’t think a crappy laptop can account for the drop I am seeing. I have a Fing, I’ll plug it back in now that I’ve got the new hub up and running and leave it to tell me what it sees.