Message 1 of 4

Fibre Exclusivity

My question is sort of the reverse of this one: https://community.bt.com/t5/BT-Fibre-broadband/How-long-do-BT-hold-exclusivity-on-fibre-lines/m-p/21...

Around February 2020 Cityfibre were digging up our streets, and installed a point on the pavement outside our house. Cityfibre advised at the time that broadband over their fibre network would initially only be available from their "preferred partner", Vodaphone. They suggested that this period of exclusivity would last for around 2 years from initial availability before being opened up to other providers, (they were very vague on the timing though). Some months later, (August / September 2020 I think), Vodaphone started taking orders for FTTP.

Last week I noticed a news story on one of our local web sites that Fibrehop were now offering FTTP over the Cityfibre network. 

So, is the exclusivity period much shorter than the 2 years that I had initially been advised? Do BT use other operator's fibre networks in the same way that Openreach's is open to all?

My preference would be to stay with BT Broadband, (hasn't let me down in the past year, and I have concerns about cheaper provider's backhauls), but I wonder how long I might have to wait for it to become available?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Fibre Exclusivity

BT only use the Openreach network.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Fibre Exclusivity


Thanks for the reply. So I'm guessing that because we already have 900mb broadband available now, then we are likely to be well down Openreach's list for areas to have FTTP installed - would that be a reasonable assumption?

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Fibre Exclusivity

I have no idea of Openreach's intentions or plans.

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