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Message 11 of 20

Re: Fibre Installation failed to work.

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So then you agree it is the responsibility of the KN Contractor to read the job details to determine what type of ONT he or she needs to install regardless of whether they’ve been doing the job 6 minutes, 6 days, 6 weeks, 6 months or 6 years?

Or should someone at BT go out of their way to call the thousands of Engineers every morning to tell them which ONT they need to install on which job.

In my opinion if that KN Contractor can’t even read a basic job pack to know which ONT to install after doing it day in day out for 6 months then clearly they’re in the wrong job.

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Message 12 of 20

Fibre Installation failed to work.

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During the final years of my forty year career with PO Telecommunications & BT I worked in the Contract Project Office, Telephone House, Belfast. Overseeing the work of our contractors were BT employed Quality Leasion Officers, and before any payment was made by me the QLO would check the work was as per the contract and report back as work completed to our (BT's) satisfaction. If we take my example, the contractor failed to install one meter of ducting a fault that was rectified by a BT Civils gang at BT's expense. The fault was discovered by an Openreach engineer whilst trying to complete my second appointment. Morrow Contracts got their money for work that was not as planned. Secondly the KN Network contractor installed the wrong box in my home, my service failed and one assumes KN received full payment for the incorrect installation. So two contractors who are wiping BT's eye and laughing all the way to the bank. Meanwhile I the customer who pays your salary,  was paying an additional £11 a month plus Vat rental for a FFTP service no one in management cares whether I get or don't get. If you accept this as good business practice carry on my friend, but please don't expect me a customer and former employee to pay for the companies total incompetence. Remember this incompetence reflects on every employee of which you are one. Assuming you still have team meetings bring this up at the next meeting. Wishing you all the best and keep washing those hands of responsibility it's not Covid-19 you need to fear but unemployment when the current satalite network goes live. 

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Message 13 of 20

Re: Fibre Installation failed to work.

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It’s not the point I was making.

You originally said, Why are BT Supplying the Wrong Boxes to Contractors.

As I said, they’re not, they provide them with the 3 brands of ONT needed depending on which Head End it’s on. If the KN guy can’t read it’s hardly BT or Openreaches fault is it.

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Message 14 of 20

Re: Fibre Installation failed to work.

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@Buzby1950  How do you know it was the wrong ONT supplied?

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Message 15 of 20

Fibre Installation failed to work.

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Unfortunately that is a question I cannot answer but my conclusion is based on the experience of a friend whose FTTP almost went the same way as mine, FAILURE. Thankfully his contractor realised his mistake, fitted the correct box. It is the discarded box which I have photographed that drew my current conclusion. If I am wrong then I apologise sincerely but as neither the contractor nor Openreach returned within the following nine days after installation to rectify the failure of service having notified them both of no service  PM on the same day as installation 8th we are all none the wiser why the provision of FTTP failed.   You will forgive me if I ask a question. Why having reported no service on the 8th, third appointment, third failure did an engineer not come back within 24 to 48 hours, forcing me nine days later to draw yet another conclusion that my land line, broadband, you view, and two mobile phone provider BT had no interest in loyalty to a customer of over thirty years. Surely those of you who are reading this must accept I the old faithful customer is clearly disalusinioned setting aside my long association with the business.

Do you believe senior management take notice of our community?

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Message 16 of 20

Re: Fibre Installation failed to work.

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I can only guess that by contacting Openreach and the contractor you went about things the wrong way. Unlike in your day as a PO, BT engineer things are different now. You should have contacted the FTTP team at BT as you are not an Openreach customer, BT Retail are the customer of Openreach. As regards the contractor I'm sure @Starwire2  can educate you there.

As  to a friend "almost going the same way" have you never heard of B/S from someone who has made a mistake? They got the wrong ONT out of the van and when they checked to jobsheet realised their mistake and covered themselves.

Neither I nor I doubt @Starwire2  know why your install failed.

FTTP direct number. 0800 587 4787

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Message 17 of 20

Fibre Installation failed to work.

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First and foremost, thank you for the understanding, between BT, Openreach and the Contractor.

I am going to seek your guidance on restoring my BT Halo 3 + Service assuming that is acceptable. I reverted back to Fibre to the Cabinet on the 17th May.

Remembering that I have all the kit, the cable is terminated, but not working who should I speak with to reconnect this service in the quickest possible way.

Again  a sincere thanks for the understanding of the way things are now. I left the job at 57 as a TO / C3 with a three year package, fourteen years ago because the oversight and management of our contractor was to be handed to them in what was seen by senior management as the way forward, i.e. a self managed contract where they were handed a specific task at a given price and told to get on with it.

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Message 18 of 20

Re: Fibre Installation failed to work.

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Do it via the number I've given you. Place as a new order without mentioning any past problems or kit you have. Let them take it from there.

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Message 19 of 20

Re: Fibre Installation failed to work.

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I shall follow your instructions. Many thanks.

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Message 20 of 20

Fibre Installation failed to work.

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Thankfully I am not alone. Today two Openreach engineers arrived to install the fibre cables from two separate nodes to two separate properties where I live and both failed. It turns out there has been a serious failure in the network build where we live. As requested I have reordered my Halo 3 and took the opportunity to  update the fibre control  of this finding today but also to ask for a Direct Labour engineer to return to my home to rectify both the installation and termination of the optic fibre cable. This instruction came from the Openreach engineers. It was pointed out to me that the KN Network engineer did not follow proper procedures. It appears they are paid by the installation and quantity is more important than quality.

Fingers crossed my new appointment date will be honoured and my installation will work.


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